Soccer season begins with road trip to Nenana
First Soccer trip of the season was fantastic. While we didn’t bring home the Win the kids had a great time bonding and having fun! Obligatory Pipeline photo on the way home. The weather couldn’t have been better which made the seven hour drive both ways bearable!
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Lumen Garage Sale a Success!
As if raising over $10,000 for our school wasn’t enough at the garage sale …. We were able to donate all the unsold clothes to The Anchorage Clothesline Project. This program is sponsored by the Cops for Community and provides “new to them” clothes to Anchorage youth in grades Kindergarden -12th grade!! Mr. Ross and Emily delivered all the clothes to the storage facility today to be held until the disbursement dates in August. Well done Lumen families!! Your donations will continue to help others in need.
Read MoreLumen News – May 19th, 2022
Important Upcoming Dates:
May 26-28: Garage Sale (Set Up 26th, Sale 27th-28th)
July 12- August 4th: Summer Workshop (Tues, Wed.,Thurs.)
August 3: Back to School Registration
August 11: First Day of School
August 26: First School Mass
Principal’s Update:
Many thanks to everyone who submitted feedback to our Cognia survey, our athletic program survey, and our School Crest Challenge voting. Tomorrow, we will close all of these means to provide us comments, so if you haven’t done so already, please give us your thoughts!
As tradition, I’ll be sending out an End of the Year letter to all our families next week highlighting a number of items, so please look for that in your email inbox. A couple of timely reminders:
- Please bring your spring cleaning items down to the school next week to support our annual GarageSale! Thanks to your generous donations of used items, we have made an average of $6000-8000 for our school over two days!
- If you are in need of additional financial assistance to help reduce tuition going into next year, please see the solicitation for a $1000 Reetz Foundation scholarship below AND take a look at our website at: https://lumenchristiak.org/tuition-discounts/. Applications are due soon!
This has been a challenging and awesome year, and another page in our proud Lumen history. We wish all our students and our families a restful and enjoyable summer break! We look forward to seeing everyone in the fall! On behalf of my family, and the entire school staff, may God bless you and keep you safe this summer!
The Virtue of the Week is Honesty
You can find great conversation starters and other ideas on this week’s virtue on the following website:
Happy Birthday to Kyle Boquet on Saturday!
Summer is here! It is with deep appreciation and humility that I thank you for the gift of your children here at Lumen Christi. Each student and family brings light to my heart and to our Lumen community. I wish each of you a restful, faith-filled and adventurous summer. Please know that I am available throughout the summer if I can be of assistance to you. Feel free to email me at any time eloeffler@lumenchristiak.org. I check email regularly. Happy summer!
Parents – The movie Fr. Stu came out a few weeks ago. It is the remarkable true story of the conversion of a boxer who was called to the priesthood. It is rated R due to a LOT of foul language and sonme innuendo, but has a great message for our teens and young adults.
Below is the link to a short conversation between Fr. Mike Schmidt and Mark Wahlberg, who plays Fr. Stu.
Here is another neat interview with Mark Wahlberg:
A Family Blessing
May we make our homes places of relaxation,
joy, love, peace and safety.
May we be generous and considerate,
not thinking only about ourselves,
but helping others enjoy the blessings of the summertime. Lord God, Creator of all things,
guide our steps and strengthen our hearts
during these months of summer and vacation days. Grant us refreshment of mind and body.
May we constantly strive to make a meaningful difference in the lives of our loved ones and in the world around us as we enjoy the warm days of summertime.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Archangel Sports:
Soccer 2022-2023
The attached pdf below is a copy of the soccer schedule for the high school team next fall. Please note there may still be a couple of date tweaks for games as well as the addition of games against OLV at Kincaid and out in Palmer.
I hope this will help with planning for the fall for all our families as I know schedules can fill up. – Coach Warren
2022 Lumen Christi H.S. Soccer schedule.pdf
Volleyball 2022-2023
Attention High School volleyball parents: In the next few weeks expect an email from Coach Warren or Mrs.Guzman regarding open gym volleyball and/or information on a volleyball clinic over the summer! If there are any students interested in playing volleyball next school year please email: lchs@lumenchristiak.org.
Front Office News:
Archangel Attic
We had a slot open up for the Archangel Attic on Saturday from 10a-1p. Can you help? Sign up here: https://signup.com/go/rKBncff
Summer Office Hours
Annual Garage Sale
Annual GARAGE SALE is next week!
Where: Lumen Christi Parking Lot When: Friday and Saturday, May 27th- 28th Time: 8AM-5PM
We are still looking for volunteers to help on Friday and Saturday. Please sign up here if interested: https://signup.com/go/syUzaHu
We will gladly be accepting items
that are in considerably good condition starting Tuesday, May 24th after 12pm –
due to a series of events happening on campus.
Summer Skills Workshop!
We are excited to share with you an opportunity to grow students’ language arts and math skills. Lumen will again be offering students a chance to participate in a Summer Skills Workshop. The goal is for our middle school and high school students to sharpen the skills obtained during this school year while also better preparing them for the coming year. Students can participate in math and / or writing. The workshop is free of charge and free of homework!
Writing Workshop: AM entering 9 -10th grade 9:30-11am PM entering 7 – 8th grade 12pm-1:30pm |
Math Skills Workshop: AM entering 7 – 8th grade 9:30-11am |
● Grammar
● Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division for fractions and decimals ● Integers * Topics subject to change based on student needs. |
Space is limited!
Please contact us with your student’s name, grade they are entering, parent contact information (email and phone number) and which session(s) you want to enroll them in.
2023 Close Up
Thank you to all parents who have signed up their students to the 2023 Close Up! Expect an email from Mrs.Spillers regarding payment plans. If you have any question email: mspillers@lumenchristiak.org
UAA Summer Academy in Accounting
FBI Teen Academy
The FBI Anchorage Field Office is currently accepting applications for its 2022 Teen Academy Program, which will welcome rising junior and senior high school students for an opportunity to get a comprehensive look into today’s FBI. The FBI Teen Academy will be on August 11-12, 2022, from 9:00am – 12:30pm, at the FBI Anchorage Field Office. Visit the FBI Anchorage website to learn more, and to apply online: https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/anchorage/community-outreach.
The application deadline is May 31, 2022.
Alaska Aviation Club
This summer The Alaska Aviation Museum will be holding Alaska Aviation Camp Programs this summer.The Aviation camp is a five day experience. Campers will get to explore science & history of flight in the wild north. Please see flyer for contact information.
The August F. Reetz Foundation Scholarship
This is a new scholarship opportunity for any school family who are having financial challenges and would like assistance in offsetting tuition. Details and deadlines are in the attached letter.
2022-2023 School Calendar
Next school year’s calendar is out! Click here to see:
Lumen Christi 2022-2023 Calendar (Final as of March 23 2022).pdf
Follow us:
Volunteer/Parent Share Hours Opportunities
Annual Garage Sale
Archangel Attic – SUMMER HOURS NOW AVAILABLE AND COUNT TOWARDS 2022-23!! https://signup.com/go/rKBncff
Lumen News – May 13th, 2022
Important Upcoming Dates:
May 13: Last School Mass, 7:45am
May 16: Lumen Spirit Wear Day (kickball games during 7th period, 1pm) May 17-19: Finals, Early Dismissal (11am)
May 19: Last Day of Classes
May 26-28: Garage Sale (Set Up 26th, Sale 27th-28th)
Principal’s Update:
Last week, we said farewell to the mighty Class of 2022! If you were not able to attend the graduation ceremony, I encourage you to watch the video on our Facebook page. We celebrated the accomplishments of our very own, Mrs. Megan Spillers, who has received a Masters of Science in Secondary Education (with an emphasis in Social Studies) from St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia (all the while teaching our students!) Mrs. Spillers is not able to attend her own graduation, so we recognized her last week and she walked across our stage here in front of adoring fans. You should also listen to the speeches of our Valedictorian, Mr. Joshua Van Tuyl, and Salutatorian, Mr. Liam Thomson, as they describe the powerful impact of their classmates and their experiences within the Lumen Christi community. We are fiercely proud of these young men and women and we wish them all the best in their future endeavors!
Next week, we enter final exams and the end of the school year. Please note the early dismissal times on Tues-Thurs. We will kick the week off with a Spirit Wear day and kickball games during the 7th period! Come at 1pm on Monday, bring a lawn chair, and watch the end-of-year fun!
Finally, Anne Gore and I have fielded a few inquiries regarding other schools’ use of federal allotment money from Family Partnership for tuition payments here at Lumen. Under this initiative, private schools become a vendor for Family Partnership (and perhaps other homeschool programs) and families could be reimbursed for the the cost of “secular/non-religious courses” (a large portion of tuition) using allotment money.
I know that other schools have started to use this approach with some of their families. While I know those that are starting to become involved in it are super excited about the possibility, going forward, I would like to examine and discern this initiative more closely and ensure that we are looking at it from all angles. I intend to bring in some members of our illustrious School Board as well as the Archdiocese of Anchorage Juneau to assist in this effort in coming weeks.
After my initial inquiries and discussions, I have two major concerns/questions that I hope to answer in further study:
- As the “Defining Characteristics of Catholic Schools” (from the NCEA National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools found at https://ncea.org/NSBECS/The_Standards/Defining_Characteristics/NSBECS/Standards/Defining_Ch aracteristics_of_Catholic_Schools.aspx?hkey=36193389-1a3c-4736-b212-332906083fd1) suggests, “All curriculum and instruction in a Catholic school should foster: the desire to seek wisdom and truth, the preference for social justice, the discipline to become self-learners, the capacity to recognize ethical and moral grounding for behavior, and the responsibility to transform and enrich the world with Gospel values. The Catholic school should avoid the error that its distinctiveness rests solely on its religious education program (Archbishop J. Michael Miller, The Holy See’s Teaching on Catholic Schools, 2006, pp. 43–45, 52).”
In other words, all Catholic schools (Lumen included) should seek to have a rigorous academic curriculum based on the teachings of the Catholic Church and infused with the principles of Catholic social teaching. Over the past 26 years, Lumen has been working hard towards this ideal.
My questions: If we make our math, science, social studies, and/or language arts curriculums “nonsectarian” (i.e. non-religious) to have them approved by the ASD public charter school Family Partnership, then are we undermining the Truth about who we are as a Catholic school? Further, how then are we truly distinct from other schools? Do we end up with a school where we have a solitary religious portion of our curriculum (Theology class) and the rest of the curriculum is just like any public school? As the Principal, I’m responsible for the Catholic identity of Lumen, so these questions cause me to pause.
- On the flip side, what is the impact if we do present our curriculum as “nonsectarian” or “non-religious” to meet the Family Partnership requirements for reimbursement, yet actually teach to “transform and enrich the world with Gospel values? This includes starting and ending class with prayer and in a specific example, infusing Catholic bioethical moral decision making considerations into Biology units on cloning or stem cell research. If we say one thing while doing another, are we being untruthful and in fact, disingenuous? This too causes me to pause.
As I have stated elsewhere, I don’t mean to be the proverbial “wet blanket” on what may prove to be a huge benefit to our families. On its face, this looks like a great deal. However, my Dad (a wise man) once told me that if something seems too good to be true, it most likely is, so check it out further.
To reiterate: My concerns in going slowly are to ensure that we don’t “water down” the Catholic identity of Lumen, nor put the school in a position of having accepted taxpayer funding in potential violation of state and federal separation of Church and State laws.
As with anything, I’ll concede that I could be looking at things very simplistically and missing the point. But I think prudence suggests that more research (especially on the legal side) needs to be done to ensure we are not headed down a slippery slope.
Thanks for your patience and understanding. If you have questions or concerns or comments on this matter (or any other matter), please feel free to contact me directly at 414-617-5620 or bross@lumenchristiak.org. I am happy to meet for coffee to discuss further and hear your perspectives.
The Virtue of the Week is Modesty
You can find great conversation starters and other ideas on this week’s virtue on the following website: https://www.sportsleader.org/sites/default/files/newsletter-assets/Modesty%20Parents%20PDF.pdf
- Friday, May 13 is our last sandwich making day. Students have expressed interest in continuing over the summer; I will get an email out at the start of June to see if we can work it logistically.
- Last week was packed: Baccalaureate Mass, Graduation, and May Procession and Crowning. Students did a wonderful job all around.
- This week newly graduated Tommy Simino will be featured in the St. Benedict Bulletin
- Happy birthday Wednesday, May 11 to Anne Gore!
Thank you for all your donations; please keep sending meat, sliced cheese, and bread. You can drop off any time during the week, by noon on Fridays. Unfortunately we cannot use condiments, peanut butter or jelly for sandwiches. Some of these items have come in and were greatly appreciated at the food bank.
Below is the link to a short conversation between Fr. Mike Schmidt and Mark Wahlberg, who plays Fr. Stu. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_d5ojokuy9U
Here is another neat interview with Wahlberg:
- For our students as they prepare for final exams
- For those suffering spiritual, emotional and psychological difficulty
- For all of your intentions
- For strength, courage, and protection of those under siege in Ukraine
- For the conversion of Russia and all those in darkness
- For those experiencing homelessness, hunger, and isolation
- For the health and safety of our school families
- For unity in our country
Archangel Sports:
Soccer 2022
The attached pdf below is a copy of the soccer schedule for the high school team next fall. Please note there may still be a couple of date tweaks for games as well as the addition of games against OLV at Kincaid and out in Palmer.
I hope this will help with planning for the fall for all our families as I know schedules can fill up. -Coach Warren
2022 Lumen Christi H.S. Soccer schedule.pdf
Front Office News:
Final Exam and Bus Schedule
The final exam schedule in the Handbook does not correctly reflect our school starting time this year. Therefore, please use the following Final Exam schedule for May 17-19:
The fall exam daily schedule is:
May 17: Periods 1 and 2
May 18: Periods 3 and 4
May 19: Periods 5 and 6
The hourly schedule each day during finals is:
7:30-7:40am: Snack*
7:40-7:45am: Pledge, Prayer, and Morning Announcements 7:45-9:15am: Final Exam
9:15-9:30am: Snack*
9:30-11:00am: Final Exam
11:00am: Dismissal
*SNACKS! Can you help us provide those for students? Earn a Share Hour and keep those brains well greased! If you would like to bring a snack click here: https://signup.com/go/qCyKnKn.Thank you parent volunteers for your support!!!
Bus schedules will be as follows:
Morning runs from both St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and St. Andrew/CSS will remain the same.
Afternoon runs will be as follows:
St. Andrew/CSS: This bus will depart Lumen at 11:05am and arrive at CSS at 11:20am;
Depart CSS at 11:25am and arrive at St. Andrew Parish at 11:50pm.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton: If possible, we encourage parents of SEAS bus riders to pick up at Lumen at 11am as we will only have one bus run to SEAS, and we have more students than seats. For those parents unable to pick up at Lumen, the bus will leave here at 11:05am and arrive at SEAS at 11:20am.
For both the St. Andrew/CSS and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton runs, please pick your students up right at this adjusted arrival time. We know these early dismissal times can be tricky for logistics, but limiting the number of finals per day to two both limits the amount of stress on students and allows for max study time at home!
Summer Skills Workshop!
We are excited to share with you an opportunity to grow students’ language arts and math skills. Lumen will again be offering students a chance to participate in a Summer Skills Workshop. The goal is for our middle school and high school students to sharpen the skills obtained during this school year while also better preparing them for the coming year. Students can participate in math and / or writing. The workshop is free of charge and free of homework!
Writing Workshop: AM entering 9 -10th grade 9:30-11am PM entering 7 – 8th grade 12pm-1:30pm |
Math Skills Workshop: AM entering 7 – 8th grade 9:30-11am |
● Grammar
● Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division for fractions and decimals ● Integers * Topics subject to change based on student needs. |
Space is limited!
Please contact us with your student’s name, grade they are entering, parent contact information (email and phone number) and which session(s) you want to enroll them in.
Kimberly Guzman
Shout Out:
A special shout out to Erik Holmquist who has received first place in the 2022 State Piano Competition. He will be performing this Sunday at the winner’s recital to be held at the UAA recital hall, at 7pm on May 15th.Congratulations Erik!!! We are all super proud of you! Continue the amazing hard work!
Student Opportunities: FBI Teen Academy
The FBI Anchorage Field Office is currently accepting applications for its 2022 Teen Academy Program, which will welcome rising junior and senior high school students for an opportunity to get a comprehensive look into today’s FBI. The FBI Teen Academy will be on August 11-12, 2022, from 9:00am – 12:30pm, at the FBI Anchorage Field Office. Visit the FBI Anchorage website to learn more, and to apply online: https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/anchorage/community-outreach.
The application deadline is May 31, 2022.
Alaska Aviation Club
This summer The Alaska Aviation Museum will be holding Alaska Aviation Camp Programs this summer.The Aviation camp is a five day experience. Campers will get to explore science & history of flight in the wild north. Please see flyer for contact information.
The August F. Reetz Foundation Scholarship
This is a new scholarship opportunity for any school family who are having financial challenges and would like assistance in offsetting tuition. Details and deadlines are in the attached letter.
The August F. Reetz Foundation Scholarship.pdf
Coming to Lumen in 2022-23 – DRONES
We’re thrilled to announce receipt of a $3,000 Grant Award from ConocoPhillips Alaska. The grant funds will be used to purchase high quality drones and teaching modules for use by the science department. We’re so grateful to ConocoPhillips Alaska for providing us with “hands on” learning opportunities for our students! While undoubtedly they’ll see flying drones as fun, we see it as a way to develop STEM skills like conceptual physics, mathematics and computer programming while emphasizing creativity, problem solving, communication and collaboration.
REQUIRED Parent Share Hours & Faith In Action Opportunities
1. Annual GARAGE SALE! What was once just an idea to raise a few bucks has become a large, annual 2 day event that brings in anywhere from $6,000 – $8,000!! This year we’re planning on holding the event, Friday May 27th and Saturday, May 28th. This is a labor intensive event and even though school will officially be out, volunteer hours will count towards this year’s Share Hour requirement. We anticipate needing help on Thursday afternoon, May 26th setting up tables and sorting donations; Friday and Saturday helping keep tables organized and new items placed.
Donations: start your own spring cleaning at home! We will gladly be accepting items
that are in considerably good condition starting Tuesday, May 24th after 12pm –
NO EARLY DONATION DROP OFFS due to a series of events happening on campus.
Click here to volunteer: https://signup.com/go/syUzaHu
Next school year’s calendar is out! Click here to see: Lumen Christi 2022-2023 Calendar (Final as of March 23 2022).pdf
Follow us:
Volunteer/Parent Share Hours Opportunities
Snacks for Finals
Annual Garage Sale