Lumen News – April 17, 2020
Upcoming Important Dates:
- Wednesday April 29th – Virtual Principal/Parent Forum, 7p-8:30p (email invitation)
- Wednesday, May 6th – Baccalaureate Mass, 7p – Details forthcoming
- Thursday, May 7th – Graduation and Commencement for the Class of 2020 – Details forthcoming
Principal’s Update:
Our week 4 of distance learning is coming to a close, and our students continue to impress. When you think that our community pulled this together in less than two weeks, it is really quite amazing. Our teachers continue to learn and improve their online instruction, and we are committed to assisting each and every one of our students adjust to this new learning method. This was a big topic of discussion at the Parent-Principal Forum on Wednesday. If your son or daughter is struggling, encourage your son or daughter to use the office hours our teachers have set up. Ask to see your student’s Google Classroom page and see how they manage assignments, requirements, etc. The best thing parents can do is to go directly to your child’s teacher for assistance. Send an email and perhaps, even set up a virtual parent-teacher conference. Just because we are physically distant doesn’t mean that our relationships have to be. Our teachers, myself included, stand ready to assist in whatever way that we can.
Some additional highlights from the Parent Forum:
Father Tom and I are producing a “spring appeal” video highlighting where our finances stand as a parish and school. We hope you will watch and consider our message.
You will see a tuition letter emailed early next week. Unfortunately, we will be increasing tuition next year, but I hope that my rationale and explanation resonates within your family.
We are actively planning a virtual Baccalaureate Mass on May 6th to celebrate Mass and recognize our Class of 2020 graduates. This will be shown via Facebook Live. More to follow on this event as well as the Graduation and Commencement ceremony scheduled on May 7th. We are currently working on the details.
Our Drama team is working on a plan to record a “Reader’s Theater” version of the play they have been practicing. More to follow, but hopefully this will be a community wide viewing in middle May.
We will be launching a spring marketing campaign via social media to encourage more families to come to Lumen. Our marketing team will be developing a “virtual tour” for our website that allows prospective families to “check us out” from the comfort of their couch. We ask that you help us SHARE our good news with all your contacts and friends in the community.
And finally, thanks to all of you as parents who are working diligently to keep your students on track. We know that at times it isn’t easy for you, or your student. On days when your student may be feeling particularly overwhelmed, just remind them to be thankful they’re not my daughter Emily.
Have a blessed weekend!
Campus Ministry:
During this time of uncertainty and social distancing, stay connected through Christ.
A most blessed Easter Week to each of you! St. Benedict youth groups meet weekly via Skype. You can find more information below or at the St. Benedict Parish website.
Prayer Spot
Please pray for
Students, teachers and families who are working from home
Medical professionals and first responders
Those most vulnerable to illness
If you would like special intentions listed in Lumen News and Prayer Book of Intentions send them directly to Mrs. Loeffler.
School Announcements:
HELP! I’m a Parent – Not a Teacher
It’s always helpful to know that when times are hard, there is support to be found. Please take the time to download and read the flyer below from our colleagues at the National Catholic Education Association – It really is helpful information.
Culinary Arts Lessons
Culinary lessons continue courtesy of Alumni Mom Carol Sturgulewski. This week’s lessons are below. Please share them with your students – or tackle them yourselves!
Bunny, Bunny
Speaking of culinary lessons – not! We’re happy to report that Jidore the school rabbit will be moving to a new forever home. Thanks to 8th grader Kallen and the rest of the Cain family for keeping Jidore out of Mr. Bauzon’s stewpot.
Next Week’s Schedule
Next Friday, April 24th will be a Friday “B” schedule with periods 2, 4 & 6.
Art Challenge (for the art challenged?)
They say laughter is the best medicine and it’s amazing what people with time on their hands have been posting to the internet during this time of quarantine. From videos of parents lip synching Donna Summer’s famous song “I Will Survive” while homeschooling their kids, to memes about social distancing and hoarding toilet paper, it seems there’s something for everyone in the “now that’s funny” category.
In the spirit of fun, we’re tossing a contest out there, the idea borrowed from the Getty Museum in New York. The Getty challenged people to re-create famous works of art at home, most with hilarious results! If you or your family want to try your hand at this, please do so and email your picture by next Wednesday night to Ms. Gore at or text it to her at 907-227-9584. The winning entry will get a shout out in next week’s Lumen News! Note that you can get lots of ideas by Googling “Getty Art Challenge” but here are a couple of examples to get you thinking. Keep in mind this is just for fun, this is not an assignment for students by any means!
“Woman with her Harp” (or vacuum!)
“Yawning Man” (in his bathrobe!)
Picasso’s “Pi-catso”
“Lot and his Daughters” (with the bathroom rug)
St. Benedict’s & Other Community Events:
St. Benedict’s Youth Group
A message from Elise Martinez, St. Ben’s Youth Group Minister:
“We have Youth Night tomorrow over skype at 7pm! It will be an easter party with games, BYOCandy and more! Skype Link:
Last Sunday’s Project YM was outstanding! Fr. Agustino brought his personality and a personal story to emphasize the reality of Christ’s resurrection ‘in the flesh!’ If you or your teens missed it and want to get prepared for Divine Mercy Sunday: check out the replay here:
It was a blast having a bit of a family focused ProjectYM Live. This week we return to teen focused with parents encouraged to journey alongside. The dynamic Brian Greenfield will be our speaker this Sunday with Mary Castner leading worship.”
Remember that all Lumen students regardless of Parish affiliation are welcome to join the St. B’s Youth Group. Contact Elise for more info:
Have a great weekend! Don’t forget to cut & paste Mrs. Sturgelewski’s cooking lessons below, into an email for your student, and then to scroll down to review the NCEA flyers below (in Spanish and English).
The Complete Cookbook for Young Chefs
2 Tbsp. soy sauce
1 ½ tsp. cornstarch
¼ tsp. baking soda
½ pound flank steak or round steak
2 Tbsp. hoisin sauce
2 tsp. Asian chili-garlic sauce (like sriracha or whatever spicy sauce you have)
1 Tbsp. vegetable oil
3 cups broccoli (don’t use the stems)
2 garlic cloves
Cut broccoli florets (the flower-like tops) into 1-inch pieces.
In medium bowl, blend 1 Tbsp. water with the soy sauce, cornstarch and baking soda.
Cut steak into ½-inch slices against the grain. Add to soy sauce mixture. Let sit 10 minutes.
In another bowl, use a fork or whisk to mix the hoisin sauce, chili-garlic sauce and ¼ cup water.
When beef is ready, heat oil over medium-high for one minute. Add beef evenly and let it sit 1 minute. Cook, stirring occasionally, 2-4 minutes. Remove beef from pan using a slotted spoon, and put it in a bowl.
Put soy sauce mixture, broccoli and garlic in the hot pan and return to medium-high heat. Cook, stirring occasionally, until sauce is thickened and broccoli is tender, about 5 minutes.
Stir beef and plate juices into skillet and cook 1 minute. Serves 4.
You can use 1 ½ Tbsp. premade taco or fajita seasoning, or: mix the following:
2 tsp. ground cumin
2 tsp. chili powder
1 tsp. onion powder
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes
2 Tbsp. vegetable or olive oil
2 large bell peppers
½ large onion
6 ounces mushrooms (optional)
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 lb. flank steak, skirt steak, sirloin, or round steak
3 Tbsp. lime juice
8 small flour tortillas
Measure the taco seasoning into a small bowl, or make your own by mixing the first five ingredients above. Set aside.
Cut peppers, onions and mushrooms in thick slices. Mince garlic. Set aside.
Thinly slice steak against the grain.
Heat a large skillet over high heat. Add 2 Tbsp. of oil, let it heat for a minute, and then add the sliced vegetables. Cook about 5 minutes, stirring frequently but not constantly. Add half the seasoning mix and all the minced garlic. Cook 2 more minutes.
Remove the vegetables from the pan and set on a plate. Return the skillet to the heat. Add the steak to the hot skillet and sprinkle in the rest of the seasoning mix. Cook, tossing the meat constantly, until it’s browned—2-3 minutes for medium rare. For well done, add another 3 minutes, but it might be tough!
When the meat is cooked, add the vegetables back to the pan. Drizzle in lime juice and toss.
Serve on warm tortillas with sour cream, guacamole or salsa. Serves 4.
Culinary Arts Lesson #6
Food for Thought, Robert Capon
1 slice fresh ginger (thickness of a quarter)
1 clove garlic, chopped
1 cup cabbage, diced
½ cup fresh mushrooms, diced
¼ cup canned water chestnuts, sliced
¼ cup chopped celery
½ cup bamboo shoots
12 snow peas
2 boneless skinned chicken breasts
Peanut or vegetable oil
½ cup chicken broth
2 Tbsp. cold water
Cut up all the vegetables and have them ready next to the stove.
In a small bowl, mix cornstarch and water.
Cut chicken breasts into bite-size pieces (cut each breast in three strips lengthwise, then across).
Heat a wok or large frying pan hot, then add 2 Tbsp. oil and keep heating. If it sputters when you drop a bit of garlic in, it’s ready. Add the garlic and ginger and stir-fry 10 seconds.
Add vegetables, and stir-fry 30 seconds. Add the chicken broth. Cover and boil for 2 minutes. Put mixture into a bowl.
Heat the pan very hot again, add a little more oil, then the chicken, and let cook 1 minute without stirring. Begin stirring and cook until the pieces are starting to turn golden and are cooked through, about 5 minutes. Return the vegetables to the pan and bring it to a boil. Add the snow peas. Add the cornstarch mixture and stir until it thickens.
Serves 4.
Here’s another chicken stir-fry that adapts itself to whatever you have on hand. You can also make this with pork instead of chicken.
½ cup orange juice
1 ½ tsp. finely grated or chopped orange zest (the orange part of the peel, not the white part)
2 Tbsp. soy sauce
½ tsp. salt
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 ½ tsp. brown sugar
1 Tbsp. cornstarch
2 Tbsp. cold water
2 boneless skinned chicken breasts
Peanut or vegetable oil
In a small bowl, mix orange juice, zest, soy, salt, garlic and brown sugar. Set aside.
In another small bowl, mix cornstarch and water. Set aside.
Cut chicken breasts into bite-size pieces (cut each breast in three strips lengthwise, then across).
Heat a wok or large frying pan hot, then add 2 Tbsp. oil and keep heating. If it sputters when you drop a bit of garlic in, it’s ready. Add the garlic and stir-fry 10 seconds to flavor the oil.
Add the chicken. Let it cook 1 minute without stirring; then cook and stir until the chicken is no longer pink inside, 5-7 minutes. Add the orange juice mixture and stir until it bubbles. Add the cornstarch mixture and stir until it thickens.
(You can easily add vegetables to this dish. Stir-fry them in oil about 3 minutes, until tender but still crunchy. Put them aside in a bowl, then put the pan back on the stove, add more oil, and cook the chicken. Return the vegetables to the pan when you add the orange juice mixture.) Serves 4.
Lumen News – April 9, 2020
Upcoming Important Dates:
- Friday, April 10th – Good Friday – no classes (“Attend” your choice of Good Friday Service)
- Monday, April 13th – Easter Monday – no classes
- Wednesday, April 15th – Parent/Principal Forum, 7pm. See below for details.
Principal’s Update:
I hope you are having a blessed Holy Week and looking forward to the Triduum and the Resurrection. This is a very special week, to be sure. As Mrs. Loeffler mentions below, we might not be able to attend liturgies together, we can stay connected through the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Our third week of online distance learning has wrapped up, and overall, I think our students, teachers, and parents are doing very, very well. A couple of observations to consider for next week:
Teachers work hard to try and post a weekly schedule on Google Classroom by Sunday or Monday for each class. Students should make it a part of their DAILY (Monday-Friday) routine to check into their Google Classroom to see course requirements, updates, and teacher notifications.
If students are getting overwhelmed with the large number of email notifications, they can turn them off. Directions to do so are here:
If students are getting overwhelmed with tracking assignments, we encourage them to use the Lumen planner issued at the beginning of the year. Most of our students use it as an organizational tool very effectively when in school–it is just as effective at home.
Next week, our teachers are committed to online learning right along with our students. The National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) had to cancel their in person annual conference in Baltimore, but have established a virtual conference. This means all of us are able to “attend”! From April 14-16, each of our teachers will develop professionally alongside fellow Catholic school educators from around the country. Some sessions teachers have already signed up for include:
Integration of Effective Assessment into eLearning
Raising Digital Kids
The Space Between Us: Closing the Gap on Digital Learning
Meeting the Needs of All Learners
Preparing Resources for Remote Learning
Following the conference, we will share the best practices and lessons together as a faculty and staff in order to continue to provide a solid “Faith, Family, and Virtual Excellence” for our students!
Finally, I want to renew my commitment to hosting quarterly Principal-Parent Forums so that I can share directly what’s happening with the school, listen to your thoughts and feedback, and answer your questions. I will host a virtual Forum next Wednesday, April 15th at 7pm. We will send out Google Meet login directions next week, but plan to settle in with your favorite beverage and connect with other parents from our Lumen community. I hope to “see” you there!
On behalf of our school staff, we hope you have a blessed rest of your week.
Campus Ministry:
During this time of uncertainty and social distancing, stay connected to each other through Christ.
Today we begin the Holy Triduum, in the most unique circumstances most of us have ever experienced. One of our students likened this Lenten season as being truly like Jesus’ time in the desert because we are physically separated from our communities, alone, and lacking the spiritual nourishment that comes with being together. As we move through these next few days towards Easter Sunday, let us be one with Christ in His suffering, isolation, and mission. On Easter Sunday let us be joyous that He came to redeem us and remember that through Him we will arise from out of all darkness. The link below has some great resources and information to enrich Holy Week for you and your family. Peace to you all during this Holy Week!
For Archdiocesan Holy Week Mass “Live Stream” links, click here:
Prayer Spot
Please pray for
Students, teachers and families who are working from home
Medical professionals and first responders
Those most vulnerable to illness
If you would like special intentions listed in Lumen News and Prayer Book of Intentions send them directly to Mrs. Loeffler.
Lumenary Drive:
Yes – the Lumenary Drive is still a thing! As the long winter comes to an end, know that we want to finish strong and charge across the finish line that’s in sight….not limp across it with a whimper! We can do that with your help because we’re less than $900 from our goal. No amount is too small and every amount helps. If $25 is what you can do, wonderful. If $250 is what you can do, that’s wonderful too. If $2.5 million is in your budget – please drop that in a bag at the school and Ms. Gore will come and pick it up herself and get it straight to the bank. She promises. Seriously tho, we’re nearly there and while nearly 65% of Lumen families have participated in the drive, we still would love to have 100% participation and giving on line is as easy as pie – just click here: Thank you for giving and helping – before you know it we’ll be across that finish line.
School Announcements:
Culinary Arts Lessons
As mentioned last week, the lessons and menus from our Culinary Arts Intensive are now available to all students and their families. See below for the installments 3 & 4 and get those kids cooking.
Bunny, Bunny
Mrs. Craig is sad to ask, but she needs to find a permanent home for our beloved science rabbit, Jidor. She will no longer be able to keep him as she begins maternity leave and is looking for a loving family for him to join. Mr. Bauzon offered to let Jidore come and live in his stew pot but we know there’s a better place for Jidore for sure. Please contact Ms. Gore or Mrs. Craig directly: if you’re interested in adopting this wonderful pet.
Next Week’s Schedule
There is no Advisory Check in on Monday, April 13th (no school as we celebrate Easter Monday).
Next Friday, April 17th will be a Friday “A” schedule.
As a reminder, the on-line class schedule has been posted to our website and is available here:
St. Benedict’s & Other Community Events:
St. Benedict’s Youth Group
All Lumen students regardless of Parish affiliation are welcome to join the St. B’s Youth Group.
The St. Ben’s vibrant youth group is still full steam ahead – join them on line and via Skype for 7pm Wednesday night get togethers! For Skype links, email Elise Martinez at
Additional Youth Group gatherings include the ProjectYM Live Youth Nights (every Sunday 4-5pm) and Divine Mercy Chaplet (Mondays at 3pm). Reach out to Elise for more information, or connect up through Facebook and Instagram.
Click here for FB: or search up “St Bens Youth AK” on IG.
Community Needs
The Lumen community has always been generous – parents, teachers, staff and students all rising to the occasion to help when asked and give when they can. During this extraordinary time there are many in our community with extraordinary needs. Let’s keep our tradition of student “Faith in Action” and parent “Share Hours” strong by helping out however we all can:
Clare House Shelter for Homeless Women & Children
Clare House is in need of:
Baby wipes
Tooth paste
Shampoo and conditioner
To keep clients, staff and donors safe, here’s how to drop off donations to Clare House:
Donations must be new and unused
Donations are being accepted from 10:00a – 5:00p, 7 days a week
Donors are asked to call ahead to Clare House at 907-563-4545 ext. 100
Staff will leave a receipt outside door before you arrive if requested
Please ring the buzzer and communicate through intercom when you arrive at Clare House (4110 Spenard Road, Anchorage, AK 99517)
Staff will instruct you to leave the donation outside the door of Clare House
Once you have walked away and are at a safe distance, staff will collect donation
Saint Francis House Food Pantry
SFH is in particular need of:
Breakfast items (oatmeal packets are preferred)
To keep clients, staff, and donors safe, here’s how to drop off donations to SFH:
Donations must be new and unused.
Donations are being accepted from 9:00a – 4:00p on Fridays
Donors can leave donations in the shopping carts at the 20th Ave. side of the Catholic Social Services building (3710 E. 20th Avenue). If you would like a receipt, you can email Molly Cornish at and we can scan and/or mail one to you
Bean’s Cafe
Bean’s has an emergency need for BLANKETS and is holding a blanket drive tomorrow, Friday, April 10th.
Twin sized or smaller blankets only (those are the only ones which can be accommodated through laundry services.
Only new or those laundered in high heat and bagged can be accepted.
Please drop off any donations tomorrow, April 10th at the Sullivan Arena parking lot (1600 Gambell / 16th Avenue side) from 10 am- 12 pm and again 2 – 4 pm. This will be a drive-thru style drop off, and you will receive a tax-deductible donation slip.
Thank you – and Happy Easter!
2 cups coarsely chopped cooked meat, such as kielbasa sausage, pork or chicken sausage, or 1/2 cup cooked crumbled bacon
Joy of Cooking
4 eggs
½ tsp. salt
1 cup milk
½ tsp. vanilla
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
8 slices thickly sliced bread
In a pie pan or flat-bottomed bowl, beat the eggs just until mixed together. Add salt, milk, vanilla and cinnamon.
Working one slice at a time, dip the bread into the egg mix. Let it sit for a minute to soak up egg, turn it over, and let sit another minute.
Heat ½ Tbsp. butter in a frying pan (preferable non-stick). When the butter is melted and sizzles, lift the bread out of the egg mix using a slotted pancake turner. Let extra egg drip off, and then slide the bread into the hot butter. When the bottom is golden, flip it and brown the other side. Repeat with remaining slices of bread.
Serve with syrup, jam, applesauce, cinnamon sugar, fruit, peanut butter, etc. etc. Serves 4.
Lumen News – April 2, 2020
Upcoming Important Dates:
- Friday, April 3rd/TOMORROW is a “B” schedule. Students attend 2nd, 4th, 6th period classes (if assigned by teacher).
- Thursday, April 9th – Holy Thursday (“Attend” your choice of Holy Thursday Service)
- Friday, April 10th – Good Friday – no classes (“Attend” your choice of Good Friday Service)
- Monday, April 13th – Easter Monday – no classes
- Prom: Cancelled (sadly)
- Baccalaureate: Still under discussion, but most likely will NOT be the traditional in-person Mass
- Graduation: Still under discussion, but most likely will NOT be the traditional commencement ceremony in the gym
Principal’s Update:
See my “Lumen Tube” weekly update here: Principals Update April 2, 2020
Campus Ministry:
During this time of uncertainty and social distancing, stay connected to each other through Christ.
Because many of our students have communicated feelings of boredom, isolation and restlessness during this time of “social distancing,” a student lead Ministry Team has formed and is excited to launch a remote peer support group. “Out of the Desert,” will be a safe space for students to come together online and share thoughts and worries, enjoy community, talk, laugh and pray. The focus is on student well-being through peer companionship. Weekly meetings will be monitored by an adult and led by Lumen students who have been trained in group facilitation. Each Lumen student will be receiving an invitation to join a small group from the Student Ministry Team within the next week. This is not a class, is not a requirement, does not lead to extra credit. This is an opportunity for our students, your kids to feel connected, be uplifted and know that they matter.
A reminder that tomorrow, April 3rd is the last Friday to do Stations of the Cross during this season of Lent. A nice online ‘Stations’ source in both English and Spanish can be found here:
There are many options to fulfill Mass obligations both on Thursday for students and as a family on Sunday. Fr. Tom’s St. Benedict’s masses can be live streamed on Facebook here: Don’t do Facebook? Any number of masses can be found at
The schedule for Archdiocesan Holy Week and Easter liturgies has not been announced, but will be soon. Please check the Archdiocesan website for updates at:
Looking for a way to stay busy at home? How about:
Board games
Family movie night
Taking walks
Play cards
Organize and share family albums from all those pics on your phone!
Write letters and cards
Kids reorganize rooms
Attend virtual Youth Group and Discussions
Reconnect by phone or text with friends and family you have not seen for a while
Students can go to the Campus Ministry Google Classroom for more ideas and to share!
Grace and peace to you all!
Prayer Spot
Please pray for:
Students, teachers and families who are working from home
Medical professionals and first responders
Those most vulnerable to illness
If you would like special intentions listed in Lumen News and Prayer Book of Intentions send them directly to Mrs. Loeffler.
School Announcements:
Silver Lining – Culinary Arts Intensive
Had we started back to school as planned, six students would currently be attending the 7th period Culinary Arts Intensive with instructor (and alumni mom) Carol Sturgulewski. Since the intensive (like school) obviously can’t happen, Mrs. Sturgulewski has agreed to write up each of the lessons she would have presented and we will be including them each week with Lumen News!
This means that all students (and siblings and parents) – not just those who were signed up for the class can learn and re-learn kitchen basics and move up to more advanced cooking skills as we move through spring!
So get out your knives and cutting boards then keep reading below to find a way to both keep your kids occupied and learn some new skills to boot. We’re super excited to be able to share these lessons and recipes from an accomplished local chef.
Next Week’s Schedule
A copy of the school’s on-line class schedule has been posted to our website. You can click here to download and print a copy:
Tomorrow/April 3rd is a Friday “B” Schedule.
Next Friday is Good Friday and no classes will be held.
St. Benedict’s (Now On-Line!) Youth Group:
All Lumen students regardless of Parish affiliation are welcome to join the St. B’s Youth Group
Please Join Us! Sunday April 5th from 4-5pm we will be joining 2100 other parishes in ProjectYM Live. This week it will feature Fr. Mike Schmitz.
Monday April 6th is a follow-up discussion on ProjectYM and Divine Mercy chaplet at 3pm via Skype.
Wednesday April 8th Youth Night via Skype at 7pm, We’ll be playing a game, prayer and more!
Email for Skype links.
1 15-ounce can chopped tomatoes
Onion, enough to make 1/3 cup when finely chopped
½ fresh jalapeno
½ cup fresh cilantro (leaves, not stems)
1 garlic clove
2 Tbsp. lime juice
½ tsp. chili powder
¼ tsp. ground cumin
Salt and pepper
(This recipe is even better if you have fresh Roma tomatoes–you’d need about 5 for this recipe–but hey, it’s Alaska and there’s still snow on the ground. Good fresh tomatoes are hard to find!)
Drain the juice out of the canned tomatoes. (You can use the juice for other things–throw it in the minestrone!) Finely chop tomatoes, onion, jalapeno, cilantro and garlic. Remember to take seeds out of the jalapeno and throw them away, and don’t touch your eyes with your hands until you wash thoroughly–hot!
Add remaining ingredients.
Stir and serve with chips. (Although if you can spare 15 minutes to let the flavors blend, that’s even better!)
Bon Appetit!
For a shortcut, use 2 cups premade salsa or enchilada sauce in place of the first 4 ingredients.
1 15-ounce can chopped tomatoes
1 tsp. dried cilantro or 1 Tbsp. fresh cilantro
½ tsp. dried oregano
1/4 tsp. garlic powder or 1 garlic clove, finely chopped
4 8-inch flour tortillas
1 Tbsp. olive oil or salad oil
2 cups shredded “Mexican blend” or cheddar or Monterey jack cheese
1 15-ounce can refried beans
Cheddar cheese, sour cream, chopped onion, etc. for toppings
You’ll also need:
A 9-inch round pan, such as a cake or pie pan
A blender food processor, blender stick, immersion blender–something to moosh things up.
Measuring cups and spoons
Preheat oven to 450 degrees.
Open the beans, scrape them into a bowl, mash them up and divide them into four even sections in the bowl.
Put the cheese onto a plate and divide it into four even sections.
Using a blender or whatever you have, mix up the tomatoes, cilantro, oregano and garlic powder until they’re smooth. This is called a puree. Spread ¼ cup of the sauce into the round pan and swoosh it around until the bottom is thinly covered.
Spread 1 tortilla with 1/4 of the refried beans (it’ll be like spreading peanut butter) and put it in the pan, bean-side up. Top beans with ½ cup cheese and ½ cup sauce.
Spread ¼ of the beans on a second tortilla, and put it on the stack, bean-side up. Again, top with ½ cup cheese and ½ cup sauce.
Spread 1/4 of the beans on tortilla number 3, and put it on the stack, bean-side up. Again, top with 1/2 cup cheese and 1/2 cup sauce..

Serve with cheese, sour cream, olives, avocado, etc. for toppings. Serves 4.
(This recipe is easy and pretty fun to make. On non-Lenten days, you can add cooked ground beef or chicken in a couple of the layers for extra protein.)
Bon Appetit!
Lumen News – March 26, 2020
Upcoming Important Dates:
Unfortunately and as you can imagine, all activities in the short term have been cancelled or postponed. Those include our Spring Drama Production of “Cat & Mouse” (cancelled); all spring sports (cancelled); Prom (postponed at this point); Graduation (still under determination.)
Principal’s Update:
Please click here for Mr. Ross’s update: Principals Update March 26 2020
Campus Ministry:
During this time of uncertainty and distancing stay connected to each other through Christ.
Looking for ideas on how to spend your time at home? How about:
Board games
Family movie night
Taking walks
Play cards
Organize and share family albums from all those pics on your phone!
Write letters and cards
Kids reorganize rooms
Attend virtual Youth Group and Discussions
Reconnect by phone or text with friends and family you have not seen for a while
Students can go to the Campus Ministry Google Classroom for more ideas.
Grace and peace to you all!
Prayer Spot:
Please pray for:
Students, teachers and families who are working from home
Medical professionals and first responders
Those most vulnerable to illness
If you would like special intentions listed in Lumen News and Prayer Book of Intentions send them directly to Mrs. Loeffler.
School Announcements:
Next Week’s Schedule:
Tomorrow, March 27th is a Friday A schedule.
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wed |
Thursday |
Friday A |
Friday B |
8 am |
Period 1 |
Period 2 |
Period 1 |
Period 2 |
9 am |
Mass (see below) |
Stations of the Cross (see below) |
Stations of the Cross (see below) |
10 am |
Advisory |
Period 3 |
Period 4 |
Period 3 |
Period 4 |
11 am |
12 pm |
Period 5 |
Period 6 |
Period 5 |
Period 6 |
1 pm |
Students use the remainder of the day to complete assignments, email teachers, etc. |
2:30pm |
For Thursday Mass, despite our social distancing we will strive for all to ‘attend Mass” and remain in “community” with each other by watching Father Tom’s live streamed Mass on Facebook at 9AM. If students are not able to watch the St. Benedict’s live stream (or another parish Mass live stream), students will access the Magnificat online (free at and read the readings, prayers, and thoughts for the day.
For Friday Stations of the Cross (March 27 and April 3), all students (as individuals or as a family) will complete the Stations of the Cross via This resource has English and Spanish versions as well as audio.
As noted in Mr. Ross’s update, we’ve put together a Parent Tip Sheet which we hope will add to your success as a family during this ‘cyber school’ period.
Lumen News – March 5, 2020
Important Upcoming Dates:
- Mar 6th: Inservice Day (No School)
- Mar 7th-15th: Spring Break
- Mar 16th: Cinco De Mayo Planning Meeting, 6:30p (details below)
- Mar 18th-21st: State Basketball Tournament @ Alaska Airlines Center
- Mar 19th: All School Mass, 9am
- Mar 20th: Stations of the Cross, 9am (school)
- Apr 16th – “Screenagers” Movie, 7:00p (details below)
Principal’s Update:
We wish our boys and girls basketball teams good luck at the regional tournament in Soldotna these next few days. Our girls pulled off a great victory over Ninilchik on Wednesday, with the boys playing this afternoon in their first game.
On behalf of the entire faculty and staff, we wish you a safe and blessed Spring Break!
LUMENary Drive Update:
As we head into Spring Break, know that our combined family+staff+School Board+St. Benedict’s Parish+Lumen Friends+community-at-large efforts to meet our goal of raising $50,000 is a near success! We’re currently sitting at $49,659 and we’d love to see one last push to not just meet that goal, but exceed it! Currently, 36 of our 56 enrolled families (or 64%) have contributed to the Drive – this is the highest percentage of family support in several years. THANK YOU. These families represent 23% of total donors, and 18% of the total amount raised. This is fantastic! But also means that St. Benedict’s parishioners, friends of Lumen and the community at large make up the other 77% of donors and 82% of donations.
Remember that if you haven’t contributed yet, it’s not too late. Any amount, large or small is welcome and we always strive for 100% family participation. This 100% benchmark shows the community that our Lumen families recognize and support the sacrifice to make Catholic education available to all. Please help if you can.
Virtue of the Week:
This week’s SportsLeader Virtue is ASSIDUOUS: The strength to unceasingly seek the desired goal. The opposite of assiduous is NEGLIGENCE: The weakness of not paying attention to important details.
Catholic Schools Campaign Update:
Small but mighty! We know for certain that 8 families have sent “I love my Catholic School” cards out because we’ve had 11 responses from friends and family come back with donations totaling $1,745. Once again, thanks to those of you who helped your student get those cards out. If you haven’t sent yours out (or if you have and are inspired to send more!) Ms. Gore will be in the Office tomorrow and even next week. Send her an email and she can get supplies out to you.
Campus Ministry:
The Campus Ministry Office is located in the school, students and parents are always welcome to stop by!
“Be who you are, and be that well!” St. Francis DeSales
Many blessings for a safe and restful Spring Break!
Please send Mrs. Loeffler news and activities happening in your parishes!
Prayer Spot
Please pray for:
The repose of the soul of Herbert (Jake) Craw, uncle of Mrs. Brewer, and comfort for the family
Parents and families who have suffered the loss of a child born or unborn
The repose of the soul of Ginger Ingram and comfort for her family and friends
Peace among all nations and peoples.
Those without adequate food, shelter and clothing throughout the winter.
All those who are living with a mental health condition.
If you would like special intentions listed in Lumen News and Prayer Book of Intentions send them directly to Mrs. Loeffler.
All are invited to join us for Mass at 7:15 a.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays in our School Chapel.
Pray for health in our community.
Pray for Peace. Act with Peace.
Archangel Sports Update:
Both of the basketball teams are on the road playing at the Regional Conference down in Soldotna. Good luck to our Archangels and watch here for news next week.
Did you know that Lumen Christi has a rifle program? Six of our students practice Monday and Tuesday after school with a “virtual match” on Wednesdays. We are competing in a spring league of nearly 600 shooters, from 30 different states, as well as Guam. So far our record is 1-3, with matches against teams in Virginia, Delaware, North Carolina, and Wyoming! Follow us at
Junior High, Co-Ed Indoor Soccer (“Futsol”) starts on Monday, March 16th – the first day back to school after Spring Break. This is a relatively short season lasting only 3 weeks. The first week practices will be on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, March 16th, 17th & 18th from 5:30-6:45p in the Lumen Gym. The first Indoor Jamboree against other schools will be Friday, March 20th from 4p – 8p also in the Lumen Gym. Contact Coach Warren if you have questions –
School Announcements:
SAVE THE DATE – Screenagers Movie
Just because our students aren’t on their phones during the school day doesn’t mean they’re immune to the stress, anxiety and depression that can come with growing up in the digital age.
To learn more about these issues and also how you can help your student learn to navigate their ‘electronic adolescence,’ please join us for an important showing of “Screenagers NEXT CHAPTER: Uncovering skills for Stress Resilience” on Thursday, April 16th from 7-8:30p in the Lumen Gym. This movie will be free and open to the general public. Bring your students then stay to enjoy an ice cream social afterwards, generously hosted by Lumen parents Dr. Rich & Ms. Shareen Crosby. For more information on the movie click here: or to watch a trailer of the film, click here:
COVID-19/Coronavirus Update
On Monday of this week, Mr. Ross emailed an important update outlining the steps the school had taken in the event that we had a serious coronavirus outbreak in Anchorage. Today the Archdiocese of Anchorage released an similar update.
St. Benedicts & Other Community Events:
St. Theresa’s “Raising o’ the Green Fundraiser
Last reminder to buy your tickets for St. Theresa’s Camp annual fundraiser. This event sells out every year and is always a load of fun (and supports a GREAT cause.) See the flyer below for more information.
St. Benedict’s Youth Group
All Lumen students are welcome, regardless of parish affiliation or faith background.
High School Youth Night: Wednesday, March 11th, Lent: Learn How to Do It Right! AND Kickball! 7p-9p, Upper Room.
Junior High Youth Night: Thursday, March 19th, 6-8p in the Upper Room.
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