Lumen News – February 5, 2021
Important Upcoming Dates:
- Feb 6: Mardi Gras Gala – TOMORROW!
- Feb 10-11: Parent Teacher Conferences 1p-3p and 4p-7p each day
- Feb 12: No school – Teacher Inservice
- Feb 15: No school – Presidents Day
- Feb 17: Ash Wednesday (Lent Begins)
- Mar 5-14: Spring Break
26th Annual Mardi Gras Gala & Auction Fundraiser
Last Minute Instructions!
Silent auction bidding is underway! IT’S NOT TOO LATE to REGISTER! Click here:
SUCCESS DEPENDS on having bidders attend our”Live” Virtual Event tomorrow, FEBRUARY 6th at 7p! We will be live streaming on Facebook and on the school website. Please SHARE and INVITE your FRIENDS & FAMILY. PERSONAL INVITATIONS work best!
Purchase a ticket by 9a tomorrow/Saturday for a chance to win a $250 Credit for any Gala Purchase!
If you pre-ordered your meal, MEAL PICK-UP is from 3p-5p here at Lumen. Meals come with detailed instructions on how to re-warm things when you’re ready to eat.
On behalf of all of us…..THANK YOU!!
Principal’s Update:
Campus Ministry:
Virtue of the Week: Charity
For in the end there are but 3 things that remain: Faith, Hope, and Love. And the greatest of these is love. Cor 13:13
Please note the following change in the St. Benedict Parish Winter Retreat for High School students:
The retreat is one day only, Saturday February 13. The bus leaves from Lumen for St. Therese Camp at 8:30 a.m. and returns to Lumen on Saturday, February 13 at 11 p.m.
This is a wonderful retreat each year!
Choir members needed from all grade levels. See Mrs. Loeffler!
Ash Wednesday is February 17 – only 2 weeks away! We will be praying Stations of the Cross each week here at school throughout the season.
Interested in a parent Lenten prayer group? Please contact Mrs. Loeffler at
Prayer Spot
Please remember the following in your prayers this week:
In thanksgiving for the many blessings we have been given
For students who are attending school online
If you would like special intentions listed in Lumen News and Prayer Book of Intentions you can send them directly to Mrs. Loeffler or to the front office.
LUMENary Drive Update:
Archangel Sports:
Our High School Basketball teams competed in their first games of the season against Cook Inlet Academy over the weekend. We’re happy to report BOTH the Boys and Girls brought home victories against the Cook Inlet Academy (CIA) Eagles. Way to go Archangels! Both teams are competing this weekend in the 22nd Annual Grizzly Classic and are up against teams from CIA, Point Hope and ACS and Grace Christian. Watch here for an update here next week.
There was so much interest in Riflery that Mr. Ross divided shooters into two teams based on our school colors – Blue (High School/shoots Tuesday) and Silver Teams (Jr. High/shoots Thursday.) Both teams are competing today against a team in Stafford Virginia! as Stay tuned for details on our shooters.
Front Office News:
Another week down, it was a hectic but good one. Lots of fun dress up/dress downs for Spirit Week! Your kids are amazing!
Read MoreLumen News – January 28, 2021
Important Upcoming Dates:
- Jan 31-Feb 6: Celebrate Catholic Schools Week
- Feb 2: 5th Annual State of the School, 7pm (virtual)
- Feb 6: Mardi Gras Gala
- Feb 10-11: Parent Teacher Conferences
- Feb 17: Ash Wednesday (Lent Begins)
- Mar 5-14: Spring Break
26th Annual Mardi Gras Gala & Auction Fundraiser
Online Auction & “Live” Virtual Event – Saturday, February 6th
Gala events begin next week!!
Get your last minute DONATIONS in by TOMORROW!
NEW RAFFLE added – Buy a ticket to win $250 Credit for any Gala Purchase!
PLEASE CONSIDER reaching out to family and friends to participate in our Gala/Auction Fundraiser. If you have purchased a table in the past, consider inviting your previous guests. A PERSONAL INVITATION goes a long way! Our success depends on having bidders attend our “Live” Virtual Event on February 6th @ 7pm.
REGISTER for AUCTION BIDDING- it’s easy as a New Orlean’s Pecan Pie! Just click here:
A few VOLUNTEER SPOTS have been added to SignUp – just click here: and get some of those Share Hours taken care of before the end of the year! There are a few spots for High School students to sign up and help, have them check in with Ms. Gore in the Front Office.
See below for a SCHEDULE of EVENTS
THANK YOU!! The Gala Team- /273-1530
Principal’s Update:
Four words–CELEBRATE CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK! Next week, our school will celebrate Catholic education with 6,000 other Catholic schools around the nation. We have a host of activities and events planned, from celebrating our Students on Monday, our Community on Tuesday, our Nation on Wednesday, our Vocations on Thursday, our Faculty, Staff, and Volunteers on Friday, and finally our Parish on Saturday, Feb 6th. We have a lot going on, so here is the rundown of important events:
Monday, Feb 1: Start of Catholic Schools Week Spirit Week. See schedule below in “Front Office News.”
Monday, Feb 1: Kickoff of “Five Letters for Five Days” Letter Writing Campaign. See details below in “LUMENary Drive.”
Tuesday, Feb 2nd: 5th Annual “State of the School” address at 7pm. Email invite will be sent out on Monday, Feb 1st.
Wednesday, Feb 3rd: Online bidding starts for our Mardi Gras Gala.
Friday, Feb 5th: All School Mass at 8am.
Saturday, Feb 6th: “Live” Virtual Auction for our Mardi Gras Gala starts at 7pm.
Saturday/Sunday, Feb 6th-7th: Community Masses at St. Benedict’s. Students can sign up with their Advisor classes to attend a Mass at St. Benedict’s to celebrate our host parish, say thank you to the parishioners, (and earn a Faith in Action Hour). Masses are Saturday 5pm, Sunday at 8am, 10:30am, and 12:15pm.
Stay tuned to our Facebook page for more information and be sure to SHARE our posts with your friends and family! Have a wonderful and restful weekend!
Campus Ministry:
Virtue of the Week: Courtesy
To speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people. Titus 3:2
Happy and blessed birthdays this weekend to Dominic Alfano and Joseph Moriarty!
St. Benedict Parish Winter Retreat for High School students is Friday, February 12 – Monday, February 14. Information can be found on the School Information Board across from the main office. This is a wonderful retreat each year!
Link for Novena for This website also gives wonderful ideas for prayer and service within your families..
Ash Wednesday is February 17 – only 3 week away! We will be praying the Stations of the Cross each week here at school throughout the season.
Prayer Spot
Please remember the following in your prayers this week:
President Biden and Vice President Harris that God will bestow on them wisdom, grace, and courage
For those experiencing crisis pregnancies
For those experiencing homelessness and poverty this winter
For all medical workers and first responders
If you would like special intentions listed in Lumen News and Prayer Book of Intentions you can send them directly to Mrs. Loeffler or to the front office.
LUMENary Drive Update:
We’re holding steady at $56k+ (nice job folks!) and are moving into the next phase of the drive. Letters to alumni are being mailed tomorrow, and during Catholic Schools week which starts on Monday, we’re asking students to do one of two things:
Write a letter to a family member or friend telling them their favorite things about Lumen and asking if they might consider supporting the school; or
Writing a thank you letter to a donor who has already contributed to the LUMENary Drive.
Students who successfully finish this task and write five (mailable!) letters will earn five dress down days. As a reminder – dress down days mean no uniform, not even Lumen spirit wear! Jeans, joggers, leggings, it’s all a go on a dress down day.
(Note: Thank you letters are an important part of the campaign, but securing contributions is still important too! Think about your Christmas card list, family friends, someone who you know would appreciate hearing from your student and supporting the school. Send those addresses to school with your student and we’ll get them going in the right direction.) As always, thank you for your support and sacrifice and encouraging your students to help!
Archangel Sports:
Our High School Basketball teams have their first games down in Soldotna against Cook Inlet Academy this Saturday. CIA has traditionally been a strong competitor for our Archangels, but we know our teams have what it takes. Stay tuned here for game updates next Thursday.
The Junior High teams have had their first full week of practice and it’s great to see both the boys and girls coming together learning new plays and developing skills.
The rifle team made it through their safety instruction day last Thursday and started shooting Tuesday of this week. They have their first on-line match against a team hosted by the American Legion Post #290 in Stafford Virginia on Thursday, Feb 4th, so watch here for competition updates!
Front Office News:
Monday starts our Catholic Schools Week Spirit Week – remind your kids they can ‘dress down-dress up according to the following themes!
- Monday, Feb 1: Our Students (Lumen Spirit Wear)
- Tues, Feb 2: Our Community (Multicultural Day–wear clothing showing your cultural heritage)
- Wed, Feb 3: Our Nation (Red, White, and Blue)
- Thurs, Feb 4: Our Vocations (Casual or Classy–wear your comfy jeans or fancy duds)
- Fri, Feb 5: Our Faculty, Staff, and Volunteers (MASS attire! Ladies & Gentleman – you know that means your shirts & ties.)
2020-21 Alaska World Affairs Council’s World Quest
Calling all high school students! The Alaska World Affairs Council is holding a virtual addition of their Academic WorldQuest Student Competition! This is a free event which tests students’ knowledge of current events, international relations, world history and global cultures. First prize is $400, 2nd prize is $100. Have your student talk to their Advisor if they’re interested in getting a Lumen team together. The event is Wednesday, February 3rd from 5-6:30p. Click here for more info:
St. Elizabeth’s Community Dinner
Like everything else, the in-person Community Dinner at our sister school, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton has been put on hold this year because of Covid. That said, SEAS is partnering with two long time community partners, Tastee-Freeze and Bradley House in an event that’s almost as good! See info below for more details. A portion of all proceeds goes directly back to SEAS.
Thanks everyone for another great week, our students are AWESOME!!
Lumen News – January 21, 2021
Important Upcoming Dates:
- Jan 26th: PSAT testing for 9, 10, 11th grades
- Jan 31-Feb 6: Celebrate Catholic Schools Week
- Feb 2: 5th Annual State of the School, 7pm (virtual)
- Feb 6: Mardi Gras Gala
- Feb 10-11: Parent Teacher Conferences
- Feb 17: Ash Wednesday (Lent Begins)
- Mar 5-14: Spring Break
26th Annual Mardi Gras Gala & Auction Fundraiser
Online Auction & “Live” Virtual Event – Saturday, February 6th
2 WEEKS to go AND it’s GALA TIME!!!
Alaska Airlines Raffle added this week and SOLD OUT in less than 24hrs! The winning ticket will be drawn during our “live” virtual event on February 6th.
REGISTER for bidding and PURCHASE your meal at
MEAL orders DUE NEXT WEDNESDAY (Jan. 27th)
LIKE, LOVE, SHARE our POSTS from our Lumen Christi Facebook Page-
Bring any last minute DONATION items to Anne in the Front Office.
THANK YOU!! The Gala Team- /273-1530
Principal’s Update:
After an official “snow day” which extended our MLK holiday weekend, school was back in person this week. We are blessed to have lower COVID numbers across the Municipality and we pray that this trend continues in our community.
Another great benefit of our small school is the ability to transition our classroom time to those “teachable moments” which we hope will last well past the planned lesson. Yesterday, many of our classes were able to tune into the inauguration of our 46th President and the historic swearing in ceremony of our first female Vice President. We also took time to pray for strength, courage, and conviction for all of our leaders as we peacefully transitioned responsibility in our federal government–a hallmark of our great Constitution.
As we look forward, I would like to extend a personal invite to our 5th Annual State of the School address on Tuesday, February 2nd at 7pm. Normally held in person in the gym or Upper Room, this year’s event will be done virtually (link to be sent to families next week).
What is the State of the School? Just as the President of the United States has the annual State of the Union and the Governor of Alaska has the State of the State, we have a State of the School every January. I, and other guest speakers, will discuss what we have done as a school over the past year as well as where we are going in the future and what we are doing to get there. Some areas I and others plan to discuss include:
Review of our Foundational Documents
School Board update
Development and Fundraising update
Theology Curriculum Review update
Future initiatives and programs update
I deeply appreciate the attendance we have had at our previous Principal Parent Forums. Consider the State of the School as a Principal Parent Forum PLUS, so you won’t want to miss it!
I look forward to seeing everyone online on Feb 2nd! Have a blessed weekend!
Campus Ministry:
Virtue of the Week: Perspective
Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. Col 3:1
Happy and blessed birthdays to Vincent Everard and Divine Felise!
Watching the Presidential Inauguration here at school on Wednesday, January 20th prompted some great conversation. Following is a link to an article about discussing politics with your children. It focuses on the election season but has great suggestions that apply to politics in general. While it mentions a couple of websites you might or might not find useful, I found the ideas to be really helpful.
Friday marks the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion in all 50 states. 60 million infants have lost their lives by abortion since 1973. This week we begin our 9 day “Novena for Life” here at Lumen. Please join us in prayer; the following link will bring you to the daily prayers: This website also gives wonderful ideas for prayer and service within your families..
Ash Wednesday is February 17 – only 3 week away! We will be praying the Stations of the Cross each week here at school throughout the season.
Prayer Spot
Please remember the following in your prayers this week:
President Biden and Vice President Harris that God will bestow on them wisdom, grace, and courage
For an end to abortion
For those experiencing homelessness and poverty this winter
For all medical workers and first responders
If you would like special intentions listed in Lumen News and Prayer Book of Intentions you can send them directly to Mrs. Loeffler or to the front office.
LUMENary Drive Update:
Today’s LUMENary Drive update is brought to you by the numbers 5, 6 and 0. As in….56,050.66! As mentioned last week, we’re moving into the next phase of reaching out to alumni (students and parents) and will also kick off a student letter writing campaign during Catholic Schools week. Thank you so much to everyone who continues to support the drive!
Archangel Sports:
It’s great to have the noise of students in the gym after school for Basketball and Rifle team practice. With the exception of pesky masks and lots of hand sanitizing, it’s like those good’ ol days before Covid!
As a reminder – practice schedules are as follows:
Jr. High basketball (co-ed practice): Monday & Wednesday = 1-2:30p
Jr. High/High School Riflery: Tuesday & Thursday = 1-2:30p
High School Girls Basketball: Monday = 4:30-6:30p; Tuesday = 5-7p; Wed/Thur/Fri = 3-5p
High School Boys Basketball: Mon/Tues = 2:30-4:30; Wed/Thur/Fri = 5-7p
Front Office News:
For Sale!
Wow! Our own talented Frankie Locke (11th grade – not 10th grade as reported in the last Lumen News – SORRY FRANKIE!) has created these St. Michael the Archangel stickers which are now for sale in the Office. $4 apiece, cash preferred! Perfect for water bottles, laptops, anything your student wants to decorate.
Lumen News – January 14, 2021
Important Upcoming Dates:
- Jan 18: MLK Day, No School
- Jan 26th: PSAT testing for 9, 10, 11th grades
- Jan 31-Feb 6: Celebrate Catholic Schools Week
- Feb 2: 5th Annual State of the School, 7pm (virtual)
- !!Feb 6: Mardi Gras Gala!!
- Feb 10-11: Parent Teacher Conferences
- Feb 12: Teacher Inservice, No School
- Feb 15: President’s Day, No School
- Feb 17: Ash Wednesday (Lent Begins)
- Mar 5-14: Spring Break
Principal’s Update:
With our school year off to a strong start, I ask our families to commit to assisting us in our areas of greatest need over the next couple of weeks. This includes registering for and purchasing your meal for our Feb. 6th Mardi Gras Gala AND encouraging and asking other families and friends to do the same. Take a look at the video our very own Danielle Rybicki put together on Facebook:
and read through the information below. One of the best things about a virtual gala is that unlike last year when we were sold out, we do not have to limit attendance this year – friends of Lumen Christi can join us from all over the world! This event is only successful thanks to hard work and superlative efforts of our entire community!
Another area of need is for parent help at the Archangel Attic on Fridays and Saturdays. Thank you to those who sign up to fill slots and commit to this important fundraising activity each week. Whenever Anne puts out a REMIND call seeking last minute volunteers to cover shifts, please prayerfully consider committing your time and your talent. It may seem intimidating at first, but once you get the hang of it, it is actually a wonderful and fun evening or day shift. It’s a great way for parents and students to fulfill Share Hours, and remember, ALL of the proceeds from Attic sales go to support keeping tuition affordable for all families. In other words, we ALL benefit from that little blue building on the corner of Jewel Lake and 82nd–to the tune of over $1 million over the past decade!
Have a blessed and safe weekend!
Campus Ministry:
Virtue of the Week: Forgiveness
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted and forgiving. Eph 4:32
Happy and blessed birthdays to Jack Schroeder, Molly Sillers, Liam Dupras, Carrie-Ann French, and Austen Gunderson this week!
- Fr. Tom offers Mass for students Monday and Wednesdays and Reconciliation Tuesdays and Thursdays before school beginning at 7:15 a.m in our Archangel Chapel. All students are welcome!
- We strive to teach our children and students to solve differences through peaceful means. Experiencing the unrest of the past many months of protest and violence can be unsettling to our kids and sometimes it is hard to know what to say to them. Following is an article on talking to your kids about the activities that turned volatile in DC. I am suggesting this particular article because it is not politically charged, and gives practical suggestions.
- We are social by our nature; we need fellowship, and our youth, in particular, faces anxiety and depression from the isolation of the pandemic. I have numerous resources to share – please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at if I can be of any help.
Prayer Spot:
Please remember the following in your prayers this week:
Peace and unity for our nation
Integrity in our political leaders
For those experiencing homelessness and poverty this winter
For all medical workers and first responders
If you would like special intentions listed in Lumen News and Prayer Book of Intentions you can send them directly to Mrs. Loeffler or to the front office.
LUMENary Drive Update:
Donations are holding steady after a large bump during the holiday season once again – thank you to all who have contributed so far. As a reminder, we’re hoping that all families can donate or help raise $500, tho truly any amount is appreciated. The next phase of the drive is twofold – outreach to our alumni and their parents, followed by a letter writing campaign by our students to friends and family. Think about those to whom your son or daughter might write, to share their thoughts about Lumen Christi with. Remember, we’re not asking your son or daughter to find people to underwrite their tuition, rather this is an “ask” for others to consider supporting Catholic schools, especially Lumen Christi!
Front Office News:
26th Annual Mardi Gras Gala & Auction Fundraiser
Online Auction & “Live” Virtual Event – Saturday, February 6th
3 WEEKS to go AND it’s GALA TIME!!!
REGISTER for bidding and PURCHASE your meal at
MEAL orders DUE by JANUARY 27th!
LIKE, LOVE, INVITE, SHARE our event on our Lumen Christi Facebook Page-
Bring any last minute DONATION items to the Front Office.
The Gala Team- /273-1530
For Sale!
Wow! Our own talented Frankie Locke (11th grade) has created these St. Michael the Archangel stickers which are now for sale in the Office. $4 apiece: cash, check or it can get added to your SmartTuition Account! Perfect for water bottles, laptops, anything your student wants to decorate. Thank you for sharing your talents with us Frankie!
Archangel Sports:
Don’t forget that the Junior High basketball teams will begin practicing next Wednesday, January 20th. Jr. Highers can either be picked up at 12:30 and dash out for a quick lunch, or may bring a sack lunch (no microwaves) and eat socially distanced in the gym bleachers, before practice. Please email Coach if your student is interested in playing this year.
The Rifle Team roster is filled. Practice begins next Tuesday, January 19th. Mr. Ross has entered our school in a national “new shooter” championship league which will allow us to compete against dozens of teams from across the nation VIRTUALLY! We will shoot our targets on our home range (the gym) and upload our scores to the web–our weekly competitors will do the same on their end. Trophies and prizes are awarded for the highest scoring teams and individuals. Like those on the Jr. High Basketball Teams, Rifle Team members can either dash out for a quick lunch or stay and eat in the gym before practice at 1p.
Thanks everyone. Have a happy Friday, enjoy the long weekend and we’ll see you Tuesday!
Read MoreLumen News – January 7, 2021
Important Upcoming Dates:
- Jan 18: MLK Day, No School
- Jan 26th: PSAT testing for 9, 10, 11th grades
- Jan 31-Feb 6: Celebrate Catholic Schools Week
- Feb 2: 5th Annual State of the School, 7pm
- Feb 6: Mardi Gras Gala
- Feb 10-11: Parent Teacher Conferences
- Feb 17: Ash Wednesday (Lent Begins)
- Mar 5-14: Spring Break
Principal’s Update:
What a joy and a blessing it is to once again take staff and student temperatures every morning! One of the best parts of my day, this means our school is operating in person, with smiles, laughter and learning taking place in our hallway and classrooms. I can tell the students are a bit “groggy” this first week as their biological clocks reset from Christmas break sleep-ins to spring semester early wake-ups. But I always enjoy engaging them first thing in the morning (I’m not sure all of them feel the same way)! With our enrollment at 91 students, we have, once again, the largest student body in our school’s proud 25 year history.
This month, we turn our focus to the start of our high school basketball season, celebrating Catholic Schools with the rest of the nation, and our annual Gala auction. We deeply appreciate those working hard to ensure the auction will be a success!
During this time of turmoil and strife, please continue to keep our nation in your prayers. As Pope Francis suggested simply, “I’m praying more because I feel I should.” I agree wholeheartedly–let’s all commit to praying more this year!
Campus Ministry:
Virtue of the Week: Respect
Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.Romans 12:10
Happy and blessed birthdays to 7th grader Noah and 8th grader Isabella this week!
Happy New Year! It is wonderful to be in person this first week back from Christmas break.
We strive to teach our children and students to solve differences through peaceful means. Experiencing the unrest of the past many months of protest and violence can be unsettling to our kids and sometimes it is hard to know what to say to them. Following is an article on talking to your kids about yesterday’s protest that turned volatile in DC. I am suggesting this particular article because it is not politically charged, and gives practical suggestions.
Following are resources for online service hours in the greater community
We are social by our nature; we need fellowship, and our youth, in particular, faces anxiety and depression from the isolation of the pandemic. Following are a couple of articles with information to help us parents out!
Please get outside in the fresh air and be together! Hike, sled, ski, take walks!
Prayer Spot
Please remember the following in your prayers this week:
Peace and unity for our nation
Integrity in our political leaders
For those experiencing homelessness and poverty as our winter approaches
For all medical workers and first responders
If you would like special intentions listed in Lumen News and Prayer Book of Intentions you can send them directly to Mrs. Loeffler or to the front office.
LUMENary Drive Update:
Gads – thanks to some extraordinary generosity over the Christmas break, our LUMENary Drive total jumped by nearly $17,000, reaching a grand total of $55,951. Thirty four Lumen families have contributed $15,090 of that total, with friends & family of Lumen families contributing an additional $8,065, for a total of $23,155 or 41% of the total giving. As always, we remain grateful for every donation, large and small. Together in this 25th Anniversary year of the school we will reach our goal of $100,000!
Archangel Sports:
The High School basketball season kicks off next week, January 11th. If you have a high school student who wants to play and has not yet connected with their team, let Coach Warren know ASAP and he’ll get them pointed in the right direction!
High School practice times are as follows:
Boys Girls
M & T = 2:30p – 4:30p M = 4:30p – 6:30p
W, Th, F = 5p-7p T = 5p – 7p
W, Th, F = 3p – 5p
The Junior High basketball teams will begin practicing the following week. Both teams will practice Mondays & Wednesdays from 1p-2:30p. (Note Monday the 18th is MLK day/no school, so practice will begin Wednesday the 20th.) Jr. Highers can either be picked up at 12:30 and dash out for a quick lunch, or may bring a sack lunch (no microwaves) and eat socially distanced in the gym bleachers, before practice. Please email Coach if your student is interested in playing this year.
Coached by Mr. Ross, the Rifle Team will start up on January 19th with practices on Tuesday & Thursday from 1p-2:30p. Riflery is co-ed and open to Jr. High & High School students alike. Let Ms. Gore in the Front Office know if your student is interested. Mr. Ross will be limiting participation to five students each day, so if interested, please sign up quickly!
Front Office News:
26th Annual Mardi Gras Gala & Auction Fundraiser Online Auction & “Live” Virtual Event – February 6th, 2021
4 WEEKS! That’s right, our gala/auction is 4 weeks from this Saturday!! Hopefully you received your invitation by mail and an electronic invite is attached. It is time to register for bidding and purchase your meal to enjoy during our “live” virtual event on Saturday, February 6th @ 7 pm.
We recently learned that we are not eligible for a Wine Auction Permit. This means that we can’t sell or raffle wine or alcohol of any type during our gala/auction fundraiser. Please keep this in mind when you are donating auction items or basket items. You can include a gift card for a location that sells wine/alcohol, but we can’t have the actual bottle of alcohol featured in the donation. If you have donated wine for the mystery wine pull, you will still receive share hours and donation credit and The Bridge will be giving a complimentary bottle of wine with a purchase of 2 or more meals. WIN-WIN for our dinner “guests”! The night should be filled with eating good food, drinking fine wine, and letting the good bids roll!
REGISTER for bidding and PURCHASE your meal at
LIKE, LOVE, INVITE, SHARE our event on our Lumen Christi Facebook Page-
SHARE our electronic invite attached to today’s Lumen News
DONATE: Items and/or Gift Cards from our Wish List- Now is the time!!! SignUp Link:
A few parent volunteer spots will be added to the SignUp soon for 2/6, 2/11 & 2/13
Questions? Contact the Gala Team – /273-1530
Last call for Drama
The Drama Club will start meeting in this month to begin planning for our spring production. If your high school student (sorry Junior High’ers) is interested in participating, please let me know and I’ll get them (and you) connected up with Mrs. Robertson.
Have a great rest of week and weekend!