Lumen News – April 29, 2021
Important Upcoming Dates:
- Apr 30: Last School Mass with Class of 2021/Light of Christ Transfer, 8am
- May 1: Prom (11th and 12th grade only), 8-10pm
- May 5: Baccalaureate Mass, 7pm
- May 6: Graduation, 7pm
- May 7: “Delayed Exposition” – Spring Drama Production, 6p
- (via Facebook & YouTube, see below for details)
- May 12: Principal-Parent Forum, 7pm
- May 18-20: Finals
- May 20: Last Day of School
- June 7-11: Boys Basketball Camp in the Valley (details to follow)
- June 14 – 17: Girls Basketball Camp in the Valley (details to follow)
- July 12-15: Girls Basketball Camp @ Lumen (details to follow)
Principal’s Update:
In lieu of a Principal’s Update, watch for Mr. Ross’s annual end-of-the-year letter to parents, it’ll be hitting email in-boxes tomorrow/Friday, April 30th.
This week our virtue theme is ZEAL – The strength to pursue an objective with tremendous energy and enthusiasm. ZEAL is necessary for everything in life! We need ZEAL to pursue our objectives with energy and enthusiasm if we expect to succeed, especially when things get difficult. Being a zealot for Christ means we love all people with fervor, even our opponents!
Pope St. Gregory the Great (590-604): “No sacrifice is more acceptable to God than zeal for souls.”
Tomorrow at our 8 a.m. Mass, seniors Caleb, Vanessa, and Helene will pass the Light of Christ over to juniors Frankie and Tommy. This beautiful tradition symbolizes the passing on of Servant Leadership from our senior class to our junior class.
Congratulations to our seniors for completing seniors projects and presentations!
Congratulations to Leyla on her Confirmation. Leyla was inadvertently omitted from last week’s congratulatory announcement!
May 7 we will have the May Crowning and procession to Mary’s grotto at the 8 a.m. Mass. Please send in flowers to put beside the grotto.
Don’t forget
Mass is offered in the Archangel chapel at 7:15 Monday and Wednesday mornings
Confession is offered in the Archangel chapel at 7:15 Tuesday and Thursday mornings
Prayer Spot
For our graduating class
For an end to violence
For special intentions requested
If you would like special intentions listed in Lumen News and Prayer Book of Intentions you can send them directly to Mrs. Loeffler or to the Front Office.
Happy Birthday this week to: Vaeda and Jack M
Archangel Sports:
Futsol continues after school. The only new news here is that on Tuesdays and Thursdays after Jr. High practice, there will be a bus run to SEAS. Students will wait here at the school for just a bit and depart around 2:45, for SEAS arrival at 3:00p. If parents could be there then/3:00p to scoop kids into cars (we can’t just leave them in the parking lot); the Lumen Bus can get out of the way of SEAS traffic.
The bus will drop kids in the UPPER parking lot, please meet them there. Students involved with choir and/or track practice are also welcome to ride the bus.
May 3rd, after school running club will start up for both Jr. High & High School students. Runners should bring lunch, a water bottle and weather appropriate gear for outdoor practice. More details to follow.
Front Office News:
Mother’s Day CHEESECAKE Sale!
Dads & students, plan ahead for Mother’s Day on Sunday May 9th by pre-ordering a scrumptious cheesecake, deliciously created in the kitchen of our Spanish II teacher Deacon Gus and his wife Christina Azpilcueta! Available for pick up on Friday, May 7th after school, the cost is $20 and only 25 will be made. The Azpilcueta’s are donating all proceeds back to the school – THANK YOU Deacon Gus & Christina! Pre-pay by cash or check in the Front Office.
Thursday Pizza & Snack Sale
Don’t forget that each Thursday until the end of the year, the National Honor Society will be selling pizza & snacks after school on Thursday. Send your student with a few bucks and then forget about them having to make lunch when they get home.
Accounting Assistant Opportunity
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish has a volunteer or part-time paid Accounting Assistant position open. The position is for 8-10 hrs/week. Requirements include accounting experience, Excel, and organizational skills. Send resume to or call 907-644-9720. Deadline to apply is May 21st or until filled
Spring Drama Production
Please join us for an online production of “DELAYED EXPOSITION” – a story of video games, relationships, and what happens when the barrier between real & fiction is broken and teens are trapped (and things go haywire!) Friday, May 7th via Lumen’s Facebook Page and YouTube.
Lumen News – April 22, 2021
Important Upcoming Dates:
- Apr 30: Last School Mass with Class of 2021/Light of Christ Transfer, 8am
- May 1: Prom (11th and 12th grade only), 8-10pm
- May 5: Baccalaureate Mass, 7pm
- May 6: Graduation, 7pm
- May 7: “Delayed Exposition” – Spring Drama Production, 6p
- (via Facebook & YouTube, see below for details)
- May 12: Principal-Parent Forum, 7pm
- May 18-20: Finals
- May 20: Last Day of School
Principal’s Update:
Spring is in the air and we are officially only a month away from the end of the school year! For a small school, we have a lot going on! I encourage you to read the information below and attend/participate in as much as you can. Thanks to those who have answered our call for feedback via the online surveys and we look forward to hearing from everyone else soon. Have a blessed, wonderful, and sunny weekend!
Campus Ministry:
Our virtue this week is ENDURANCE – The strength to suffer through adversity with courage. Beginning new activities is relatively easy but sticking with them, especially when the “newness” wares off and the going gets tough … only through ENDURANCE will we fight through and accomplish our goals and dreams.
”The endurance of darkness is the preparation for great light,” St. John of the Cross.
Today at Mass our Spanish II students proclaimed the readings in Spanish!
April 30th will be our Senior Class’s last school Mass. We will be transferring the Light of Christ from our senior class to our juniors at this Mass. We hope you can join us via Facebook for this beautiful Lumen Christi Tradition!
May 7 we will have the May Crowning and procession to Mary’s grotto at the 8 a.m. Mass. Please send in flowers to put beside the grotto on Friday, May 7.
Don’t forget
Mass is offered in the Archangel chapel at 7:15 Monday and Wednesday mornings
Confession is offered in the Archangel chapel at 7:15 Tuesday and Thursday mornings
Prayer Spot
For our Fall Confirmands Tate and Jack S., and Emily, as she is confirmed this coming Monday
For full recovery for Carol Northcut, grandmother of Isabella Surles
For an end to violence
For special intentions requested
If you would like special intentions listed in Lumen News and Prayer Book of Intentions you can send them directly to Mrs. Loeffler or to the Front Office.
Happy Birthday this week to:
Luka and Laura
Congratulations to Tate and Jack S. on their Fall Confirmation
And to Emily on her upcoming Confirmation! You are all a blessing and it is a joy to have you in full community!
Archangel Sports:
High school and middle school indoor soccer (Futsol) started this week. As a reminder,
*High school players will practice on Mondays and Wednesdays from 1 – 2:30 pm.
*Middle school will practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1 – 2:30 pm.
SAVE THE DATES! Remember our basketball teams? Girls Regional Champs and Boys State Champs? And their coaches? Well, those coaches are hosting high school basketball camps in June, perfect for all of our players to work on individual skills and not lose the team momentum as well. The camps will be held out in the Valley and open to other players from around the area. More details to follow but save these dates:
June 7-11: Boys
June 14 – 17: Girls
In addition, we will be hosting our first ever girls only camp here at Lumen, so save these dates as well:
July 12-15
There will be 2 age groups for this camp – 1) 6th-8th grade; 2) 9th-12th grades.
Football? Yes, Football! If you’ll have a high school boy next year (that includes current 8th graders moving up) who would be interested in playing football at Dimond next year, please come to an important meeting this coming Wednesday, April 28th right after school (12:40p) in the Lumen gym. Our own basketball Coach Gregory, who is now also a part of the Dimond High School football coaching staff – (congrats on your new gig!) will be here with Dimond’s head coach to discuss team opportunities, upcoming camps and more.
Calling all runners! Starting Monday May 3rd, the team will start practicing 1-2:30. Jr. High & High School students will run together. Runners should bring lunch, a water bottle and weather appropriate gear for outdoor practice. Questions? email Coach Warren at
Front Office News:
Parent Satisfaction Survey
This is the same survey sent out on Wednesday A broad base of parent input is needed for this important annual survey. So click here! Click now! → ← Honestly this will take 5 minutes or less and are so helpful in guiding future school operations.
Mother’s Day CHEESECAKE Sale!
Dads & students, plan ahead for Mother’s Day on Sunday May 9th by pre-ordering a scrumptious cheesecake, deliciously created in the kitchen of our Spanish II teacher Deacon Gus and his wife Christina Azpilcueta! Available for pick up on Friday, May 7th after school, the cost is $20 and only 25 will be made. The Azpilcueta’s are donating all proceeds back to the school – THANK YOU Deacon Gus & Christina! Pre-pay by cash or check in the Front Office.
Spring Drama Production
Please join us for an online production of “DELAYED EXPOSITION” – a story of video games, relationships, and what happens when the barrier between real & fiction is broken and teens are trapped (and things go haywire!) Friday, May 7th via Lumen’s Facebook Page and YouTube. See the flyer below.
National Honor Society Food Drive
Week one of the NHS Food Drive and things are looking good. So far it appears that the xxth grade is in the lead and headed towards a week of no uniforms! Please help us support the Food Bank of Alaska and send a food donation if you can.
Trivia Night
There’s still time to register for the Trivia Night at St. Coyote! Come have some fun and support the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton youth group as they raise funds for upcoming conference travel. Please see the flyer below, or click here to purchase tickets.
Junior High & High School Career Expo, May 3rd – 7th
Hosted by Junior Achievement, all middle and high school students are invited to participate in JA’s upcoming “Inspire Career Expo” virtual event. This Expo will allow students to explore careers, develop hiring skills and apply for jobs and internships statewide.
There are two different programs available:
Career Exploration is for students who have not yet chosen an education or career path.
Prepare to Be Hired is for students who are preparing for part-time or full-time, seasonal or permanent employment.
This is an excellent opportunity for students to gain vision and purpose for their education and career.
Click here for more information and to register:
Position Available
Our sister school, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton has an upcoming staff vacancy and is looking for the perfect person to fill it! If you’re interested in a Business Manager/Accountant position – keep reading!
***The Business Manager/Accountant full-time position is responsible for accounts receivable/payable, payroll and HR matters, donation postings, budgeting, financial reports, annual tax and archdiocesan filings, gaming compliance, and other reports/duties as needed under the direction of Pastor. Qualification requirements: Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting or equivalent post-secondary education; three to five years full-charge accounting experience through financial statement report. Non-profit/fund accounting experience a plus. Salary DOE. Background check required. Please send a resume to or call 907-644-9720 to discuss. Deadline April 23, 2021 or until filled.
Lumen News – April 15, 2021
Important Upcoming Dates:
- Apr 30: Last School Mass with Class of 2021/Light of Christ Transfer, 8am
- May 1: Prom (11th and 12th grade only), 8-10pm
- May 5: Baccalaureate Mass
- May 6: Graduation
- May 18-20: Finals
- May 20: Last Day of School
Principal’s Update:
This has been our first full 5 day school week in awhile, after taking off Good Friday and Easter Monday. As I greet our students each morning for temperature checks, I can tell spring fever is in the air even though the persistent snow just won’t melt away fast enough! Even though they are focused on their school work, I know our students are looking forward to finishing off the last few weeks of the school year and beginning their summer break.
In the days and weeks ahead, we have much going on in our small school. On April 30th, we will celebrate the last school Mass that we will be blessed by the presence of our Class of 2021 graduates. During this Mass, we will physically transfer the Paschal Candle between members of the Class of 2021 and Class of 2022, signifying the passing of the spiritual leadership of our school from outgoing graduates to rising Seniors. I hope you will consider attending this 8am Mass and special occasion.
The following day, on May 1st, our 11th and 12th graders will hold a Senior Prom in our school gym from 8-10pm. Due to COVID gathering limitations, we are unable to open this event up to any other classes. However, we know our Seniors and Juniors and their guests will have a great evening dancing (socially distanced and masked, of course!) the night away in some semblance of normalcy that we simply were not able to do this same time last spring. If restrictions loosen, I have every intention of allowing 10th graders to attend Prom–unfortunately, we simply are not able to do it at this point.
On May 5 and May 6, we will hold our Baccalaureate Mass and Graduation Ceremony, respectively, for the Class of 2021. Thanks to loosening of restrictions on graduation ceremonies, these events will be open to our graduates, their immediate and extended families, and faculty and staff. Both events will be live streamed on our Facebook page for all other attendees. I hope you will join us in recognizing the accomplishments of the seven members of our proud Class of 2021!
I hope you have a wonderful and blessed weekend!
Campus Ministry:
This week we look at the virtue of TENACITY – The strength to grip on to a goal and refuse to give up. TENACITY is an awesome strength to have on a team, group and within a family.
It’s a joy to be around TENACIOUS leaders.
“Good luck is another name for tenacity of purpose,” Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Next Friday’s Mass, April 23rd, our Spanish II students will proclaim the readings in Spanish.
April 30th will be our Senior Class’s last school Mass. We will be transferring the Light of Christ from our seniors to our juniors at the Mass. We hope you can join us via Facebook for this beautiful Lumen Christi Tradition!
May 7 we will have the May Crowning and procession to Mary’s grotto. Please send in flowers to put beside the grotto on Friday, May 7.
Don’t forget
Mass is offered in the Archangel chapel at 7:15 Monday and Wednesday mornings
Confession is offered in the Archangel chapel at 7:15 Tuesday and Thursday mornings
Prayer Spot
For full recovery for Carol Northcut, grandmother of Isabella Surles
For students receiving their First Communion at St. Benedict and all parishes.
For Peace
For special intentions requested
If you would like special intentions listed in Lumen News and Prayer Book of Intentions you can send them directly to Mrs. Loeffler or to the Front Office.
Please remember the following in your birthday prayers this week:
Luka, Sarn, and Porter!
Archangel Sports:
Despite the Junior High ‘season’ consisting of only 1 practice game and 1 real live bona fide game, (grrrrrr…..COVID), the players were able to end on a high note, just like the High School season did! Two events, two wins with some budding skills on full display. Way to go to our newest Archangels! You’ll be up with the big dogs soon, bringing home those Regional & State Championship titles!
Our Lumen Sharpshooters finished their virtual match spring season with a 1-4 record. However, last week, six members of the team competed in a national monthly “postal” match against three other rifle clubs from Virginia and we won! On an even greater note, our very own Class of 2022 Junior (and Team Captain) Frankie Locke finished 4th out of 16 shooters! Way to go, Frankie! Mr. Ross looks forward to continuing the program this fall and we hope that other sharpshooters will join us!
High school and middle school soccer will begin next week. We will be playing Futsal (indoor soccer) this season as there are weather and field issues for outdoors and there are a very limited number of teams that can participate in an outdoor season.
*High school players will practice on Mondays and Wednesdays from 1 – 2:30 pm.
*Middle school will practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1 – 2:30 pm.
We will have games set up for Fridays later in the season. We may adjust practice times after next week but information to follow if there is a change.
In order to protect the gym floor from damage, players must wear court shoes with non marking soles. These should NOT be the same shoes your student wears throughout the day. age. Players should also wear shin guards and bring a water bottle for practice.
Please let Coach Warren know if you are planning on playing – email him at
Track & Field – Watch here for news, next week.
Front Office News:
Parent Satisfaction Survey
Following is the link to our spring survey. We would appreciate you taking the time to complete it – your feedback helps us improve and directly benefits all students. We understand that it has been a very different “Covid” year, so feel free to add comments based on your past years (if any) as well as this year. Thanks for taking the time to help make this survey successful.
National Honor Society Food Drive
National Honor Society is sponsoring a food drive in support of the Food Bank of Alaska. We are asking for donations of canned/boxed food from Monday April 19-Friday April 30. Students will receive a dress down day for bringing in 10 items to their advisory. The advisory bringing in the most food items per student will receive a week of dress down!
Please find the list of priority items:
Please help us support the Food Bank with your donations, which can be dropped off in Advisory classrooms.
National Honor Society Thursday Lunches
NHS will be offering lunch for purchase every Thursday after school in the concession stand area. Pizza for $2 a slice along with other packaged items will be for sale. Lunch will begin next Thursday April 22nd and will continue until May 13th. Proceeds from lunches go to support birthday bags for Clare House, a homeless shelter for women and children.
Junior High & High School Career Expo
Hosted by Junior Achievement, all middle and high school students are invited to participate in JA’s upcoming “Inspire Career Expo” virtual event. This Expo will allow students to explore careers, develop hiring skills and apply for jobs and internships statewide.
There are two different programs available:
Career Exploration is for students who have not yet chosen an education or career path.
Prepare to Be Hired is for students who are preparing for part-time or full-time, seasonal or permanent employment.
This is an excellent opportunity for students to gain vision and purpose for their education and career.
Click here for more information and to register:
Trivia Night
Feeling clever?! Consider putting a team (adults only) together to compete in a Trivia Night supporting the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Youth Group. All proceeds from the night will go to support travel as the group heads off to a Steubenville Youth Conference for Catholic high schoolers. Please see the flyer below, or click here to purchase tickets.
Position Available
Our sister school, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton has an upcoming staff vacancy and is looking for the perfect person to fill it! If you’re interested in a Business Manager/Accountant position – keep reading!
***The Business Manager/Accountant full-time position is responsible for accounts receivable/payable, payroll and HR matters, donation postings, budgeting, financial reports, annual tax and archdiocesan filings, gaming compliance, and other reports/duties as needed under the direction of Pastor. Qualification requirements: Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting or equivalent post-secondary education; three to five years full-charge accounting experience through financial statement report. Non-profit/fund accounting experience a plus. Salary DOE. Background check required. Please send a resume to or call 907-644-9720 to discuss. Deadline April 23, 2021 or until filled.
Lumen News – April 1, 2021
Important Upcoming Dates:
- April 2: TOMORROW – Good Friday – NO SCHOOL
- April 4: Easter Sunday
- April 5: Easter Monday – NO SCHOOL
- April 14: Jr. High PSAT Testing
- May 1: Prom (10th, 11th, 12th grade only – details to follow after Easter)
- May 5: Baccalaureate Mass
- May 6: Graduation
- May 18-20: Finals
- May 20: Last Day of School
Principal’s Update:
On behalf of my family and the school staff, we hope you have a blessed and safe Easter weekend.
Please see attached PDF for a special message to our community.
Campus Ministry:
Our virtue this week is PERSEVERANCE – The strength to never quit despite failures and difficulties. This is one of the most important virtues in life … to never quit.
“ we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.” Romans 5:3-4
We wish you a prayerful and moving Triduum, and a blessed and Happy Easter!
Schedule for Easter Triduum:
St. Benedict
- Holy Thursday: Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7:00 p.m.
- Good Friday: Faith Walk at Kincaid Park Chalet 10:00 a.m., Stations of the cross 3 p.m., Service 7:00 p.m.
- Holy Saturday: Easter Vigil 8:00 p.m.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
- Holy Thursday: Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7:00 p.m.
- Good Friday: The Passion of the Lord 7:00 p.m.
- Holy Saturday: Easter Vigil 8:00 p.m.
Holy Cross
- Holy Thursday: Mass 7:00 p.m.
- Good Friday: Stations 3:00 p.m., Eucharist 7:00 p.m.
- Holy Saturday: Easter Vigil 8:00 p.m.
Holy Family
- Holy Thursday: Tenebrae 8 a.m., Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7:00 p.m, Altar repose 11:00 p.m..
- Good Friday: Tenebrae 8 a.m., Faith Walk 10:30, 7 Last Words of Christ 1:00 p.m., Stations 3:00 p.m., Celebration of the Passion 7:00 p.m.
- Holy Saturday: Tenebrae 8 a.m, Blessing of Easter Food 2:00 p.m., Easter Vigil 8:00 p.m
Our Lady of Gudalupe
- Holy Thursday: Mass of the Lord’s Passion
- Good Friday: Stations of the cross noon, Celebration of the Passion 5:00 p.m. (Spanish) 7:00 p.m (English).
- Holy Saturday: Easter Vigil 8:00 p.m.
St. Patrick
- Holy Thursday: Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7:00 p.m.
- Good Friday: Stations of the cross 3 p.m., Solemn Liturgy 7:00 p.m.
- Holy Saturday: Easter Vigil 8:00 p.m.
Prayer Spot
Please remember the following in your prayers this week:
For the victims of violent crime
For Peace
For special intentions requested
If you would like special intentions listed in Lumen News and Prayer Book of Intentions you can send them directly to Mrs. Loeffler or to the Front Office.
Happy Birthday this weekend to Matthew Tiernan, Jonah Doniere & Garrett Renfro!
Archangel Sports:
High School Basketball: OOF! Last week in recognizing all of the outstanding achievements of our High School basketball teams and coaches, I forgot one very important mention: Girl’s coach TOM GREGORY who was named co-coach of the year along with his colleague from Cook Inlet Academy. Congrats Coach Gregory – you’ve done an amazing job with the Girl’s team this year!
As you know, State Basketball Championship Games are being played today, tomorrow and Saturday. Stay tuned for details!
Junior High Basketball: It’s confirmed – we actually have a game scheduled. Next Wednesday, April 7th our newest Archangels will be taking on the Holy Rosary Academy Knights at 5:30p in the Lumen gym. No ticket purchase necessary and each player is allowed 2 spectators. Please wear your mask if you plan to attend!
There will be a second game on Friday, April 9th as well with the time TBD, but likely 5:30p again – details to follow. We’re thrilled that the Jr. High team will finally get some game time, too.
Last week our teams had a virtual match against Fork Union Military Academy, an all-boys boarding school, in Virginia. Unfortunately, our team lost by 8 points (880-872). Fortunately, our 872 was the highest 4-person team score we have ever had, highlighting the improvements we have made as individuals and collectively over the past few weeks. Our team score was led by Class of 2024 9th grader Gustavo Azpilcueta, who shot a personal record of 239 out of 300 in prone, standing, and kneeling. Way to go, Gustavo!
LUMENary Drive:
It’s a week of 6’s and 9’s….as in $66,99,00.66! Donations continue to come in with over 60% of our families having contributed to date. We remain grateful for every donation in support of Catholic education and all of the amazing things we’re able to do with those donations. We encourage those families who have not yet given to consider doing so – every dollar counts!
Front Office News:
Upcoming Newman Center Learning Opportunities
Please join us for two fantastic Zoom meetings hosted by Kevin Jones, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies and the Cardinal Newman Chair of Catholic Theology at Alaska Pacific University.
The first of these events is a lecture by Fr. Gregory Tatum, O.P. on Tuesday, April 6 at 7:00 pm. Fr. Gregory’s speech is entitled “Christ as Torah-Observant Jew.” He is the author of numerous articles and the monograph New Chapters in the Life of Paul: The Relative Chronology of His Career. An established Scripture scholar, Fr. Gregory has taught theology at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome (the Angelicum) and the Ecole Biblique in Jerusalem, and his primary area of research is the Pauline epistles. Fr. Gregory is currently in Anchorage as part-time parochial vicar at Holy Family Old Cathedral.
The next event is on Thursday, April 22 at 7:00 pm and is a roundtable discussion on the bereavement and burial practices in Alaska Native traditions. This roundtable will include Judith Ramos, Assistant Professor at University of Alaska Anchorage and Tlingit scholar, Wilson Justin, a member of the APU Elders Council with an Athabascan background, and Sr. Josephine Aloralrea, a volunteer chaplain at the Alaska Native Medical Center with deep knowledge of Yupik and Cupik traditions, who will speak about how she has integrated Alaska Native practices with the Catholic faith in her bereavement ministry. At the end of their presentations there will be time for questions.
These will no doubt be informative and we hope you can join us.
Happy Easter Everyone! See you on Tuesday.
Lumen News – March 25, 2021
Important Upcoming Dates:
- April 1: Holy Thursday
- April 2: Good Friday – NO SCHOOL
- April 4: Easter Sunday
- April 5: Easter Monday – NO SCHOOL
- April 14: Jr. High PSAT Testing
- May 1: Prom (10th, 11th, 12th grade only – details to follow after Easter)
- May 5: Baccalaureate Mass
- May 6: Graduation
- May 18-20: Finals
- May 20: Last Day of School
Principal’s Update:
Thank you to all who were able to attend the Principal/Parent Forum on Tuesday night. The slide deck from that night was sent out yesterday morning but is attached again here. Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any questions about any of the information that was covered.
Campus Ministry:
DILIGENCE – The strength to accomplish tasks with tireless dedication. DILIGENCE is necessary for everything in life. We need to WORK HARD in our Faith, in school, in our relationships, in our jobs … nothing truly worthwhile that lasts is easy.
“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
This week we remember Caesar Chavez, civil rights leader, on March 24, and we celebrate the Annunciation on March 25.
Both Middle and High School students embraced the opportunity for reconciliation this week. It was a beautiful Holy Hour!
It has been good to talk with several students over the past few weeks. My door is always open.
Please remember to send in rice bowls as they are filled.
Some of our classes are listening to “The Bible in a Year” with Fr. Mike Schmitz. We have had some great conversations each day. Each podcast is 15-20 minutes long. I encourage you to listen with your family or friends. When you go to the website click “listen now” and go back to day one. The Bible in a Year: Sign Up
Best Lent Ever Podcast:
Happy Birthday March 24th to Leyla!
Prayer Spot
Please remember the following in your prayers this week:
For the victims of violent crime
For Peace
For special intentions requested
If you would like special intentions listed in Lumen News and Prayer Book of Intentions you can send them directly to Mrs. Loeffler or to the front office.
Where to even begin?! We’ll start with the biggest news which is of course that BOTH teams won at Regionals and BOTH are going to State! It’s the first time in school history that we’ll be represented by our boys AND girls teams and we couldn’t be more proud of all of our players. If you missed the nail biter boys game and the stunning play that clinched the Regional title, you can watch it here:
Congratulations to the following who represented the school in all of the following categories:
*All Tournament/Girls: Emily Ross (Tournament MVP); Natalie Grubba; Amara Warren; Sabrina Warren
*All Tournament/Boys: Brenden Gregory; Tim Bennett; Daniel Bennett; Robert Wilcox
*All Conference/Girls: Emily Ross; Natalie Grubba; Amara Warren; Sabrina Warren
*All Conference/Boys: Brenden Gregory; Daniel Bennett; Robert Wilcox
*All Academic (Students with 4.0 GPA); Maggie Moriarty; Amara Warren; Emily Ross; Laura Renfro; Hayden Estabrook; Liam Thomson
*Coach of the Year: Adam Trombley
*Sabrina Warren was 1st place in the Tournament Free Throw Competition
*Emily Ross & Tim Bennett were 1st place in the Tournament Three Pointer Competition
And finally….the Girls Team was tied for overall Tournament Sportsmanship Award.
Wow!! What an amazing weekend and we look forward to being able to report on like news from State, which kicks off next week on Thursday, April 1st. Stay tuned!
Junior High Basketball – Despite this being a 100% practice/scrimmage only season for our Junior High team, we have one scrimmage planned against Holy Rosary Academy on Wednesday, April 7th. Details to follow.
Both Blue & Silver teams have been hard at work these past two weeks and have a match tomorrow, March 26th. They’ll be shooting against Fork Union Military Academy in Virginia – stay tuned for match results next week.
High School and Junior High Soccer will be starting up after Easter. Like basketball, we won’t have all of our normal teams to compete against, especially at the Junior High level. Coach Warren will get all of the details on practice times out as soon as basketball winds down next weekend.
LUMENary Drive:
It’s a week of 6’s and 9’s….as in $66,99,00.66! Donations continue to come in with over 60% of our families having contributed to date. We remain grateful for every donation in support of Catholic education and all of the amazing things we’re able to do with those donations. We encourage those families who have not yet given to consider doing so – every dollar counts!
Front Office News:
National Honor Society
Congratulations to Vaeda Michaelson, Emily Ross, Liam Thomson and Francesca Locke, Lumen’s newest National Honor Society members. Inducted just an hour ago, these students embody the NHS pillars of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. Congratulations again, we are ever so proud of you!
Poker Night!!
We finally get to host our 2020 Gala Ladies Poker Party! Originally scheduled for last spring and put on indefinite hold because of COVID, we’ve locked in Saturday, April 24th @ 5 pm in the Lumen Christi Upper Room. Enjoy dinner, tutorial, and a Texas Hold‘em Tournament!! Prizes: 1st place $150, 2nd Place $100, 3rd Place $50 to Raven’s Nest Spa.
If you purchased a spot at the 2020 Gala you should have received an email with all the details. Please respond to the email so that we know you will be there!
We have a few spaces left: $100 to play!! Call/text/email Anne in the Front Office to pay for a spot and join in the fun!
Lumen Christi Gala Team
Thanks all – it’s been another great week!