Lumen News – August 20th, 2021
Important Upcoming Dates:
August 24: Soccer vs OLV (4pm JH, 6pm HS @ Kincaid)
August 26: Soccer vs Nenana (6pm HS @ Kincaid)
August 27: Soccer vs Delta (6pm HS @ Kincaid)
Sept 1: Soccer vs Su-Valley (4pm JH, 6pm HS @ Kincaid)
Sept 2: Soccer vs Birchwood (4pm JH, 6pm HS @ Kincaid)
Sept 2-3: Class of 2022 Senior Retreat (Holy Spirit Retreat Center) Sept 6: Labor Day (Holiday-No School)
Sept 9-11: HS Soccer Tri-Valley Tournament @ Healy
Sept 13-17: Spirit Week (Themes TBD)
Sept 16: Soccer vs Birchwood (4pm JH, 6pm HS @ Kincaid)
Sept 17: Homecoming Bonfire (time TBD @ school parking lot)
Sept 18: Soccer vs CIA (1pm HS)
Sept 18: Homecoming Dance (5:30-7pm JH, 8-10pm HS @ Lumen Gym) Sept 23-24: HS Retreat (St. Therese’s Camp)
Oct 7: “Speaker Series” (time TBD)
Principal’s Update:
What an amazing first week back in school! We did have a few bumps in the road as we got adjusted to over 100 students in the building for the first time ever, but we are all settling into a nice routine. We finished the week off with our “Mass of the Holy Spirit” and brought the Light of Christ into our school and blessed all students and classrooms. Thank you Archbishop Emeritus Schwietz for joining us in this proud annual tradition.
Our soccer teams will put their hard practice into competition next week, so I hope you will consider coming down to Kincaid turf field, grabbing a YETI hot dog for dinner, and cheering on our junior high and high school Archangels!
Have a blessed and safe weekend!
Campus Ministry:
Summer Blessing for Families
May we make our homes places of relaxation,
joy, love, peace and safety.
May we be generous and considerate,
not thinking only about ourselves,
but helping others enjoy the blessings of the summertime. Lord God, Creator of all things,
guide our steps and strengthen our hearts
during these months of summer and vacation days. Grant us refreshment of mind and body.
May we constantly strive to make a meaningful difference in the lives of our loved ones and in the world around us as we enjoy the warm days of summertime.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Prayer Spot
● For our teenagers
● For victims of violent crime
● For an end to capital punishment and abortion
● For an end to violence
● For special intentions requested
Front Office News:
Greetings everyone,
Thank you all for being so kind and welcoming as I slowly but surely transition into Anne Gore’s position. I have big shoes to ll but with the grace of God and everyone’s willingness to help, I know I am in good hands. I am so excited to be here and I thank God daily for this blessed opportunity to work here. I look forward to the rest of the school year as I get to meet all parents and students. Please feel free to email me with any questions. Thank you all again.
Kimberly Guzman
Lumen News – Anonymous donor gifts Lumen Christi Science Department $20,000
Press Release
For Immediate Release
July 8, 2021
Contact: Brian Ross, (907) 245-9231
Anonymous donor gifts Lumen Christi Science Department $20,000
ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Lumen Christi High School has been named the recipient of a $20,000 biotechnology grant to its Science Department. The award comes from a donor who wishes to remain anonymous. It was revealed LCHS is the only Alaska institution to be named, all other awardees are located in Southern California.
LCHS has put science at the forefront of its curriculum since its inception 25 years ago. The grant will give teachers and staff an opportunity to take this focus to the next level.
“One of the attributes of a Lumen graduate is that they can think critically and solve problems; thanks to this grant award, Lumen students now have the opportunity to examine current issues in conjunction with lab experiences using the most up-to-date biotech equipment and materials. This means Lumen students are poised to become the next generation of problem solvers incorporating ethical perspectives,” says Math and Science Department Chair Debbie Brewer.
Lumen Christi Principal Brian Ross says, “We are both humbled and proud to have been selected for this generous award. We know our students will benefit with authentic experiences that will prepare them for careers of the future.”
Lumen Christi Catholic High School is in Anchorage, Alaska and enrolls students in grades 7-12. Learn
more at
Lumen News – May 20, 2021
Important Upcoming Dates:
- June 4-5: Parking Lot GARAGE SALE! (details below)
- June 7-11: Boys Basketball Camp in the Valley (details below)
- June 14 – 17: Girls Basketball Camp in the Valley
- July 12-15: Girls Basketball Camp @ Lumen
Principal’s Update:
It’s official – we’re moving to a 7:30a start time in the fall. Thanks to everyone for their input, we do feel that aligning our schedule with ASD’s allows for a greater flexibility for those Archangels who wish to take afternoon classes at King Tech, pursue job and/or internship opportunities. More details to follow.
In the meantime, have a wonderful summer and we’ll see everyone in August!
Campus Ministry:
Just a few items for the summer!
Here is a great family idea for service hours this summer. The Holy Spirit Center on Hillside Drive is looking for families or individuals to “adopt a station” for the summer. This entails weeding, planting and upkeeping the area around one of the beautiful outdoor Stations of the Cross this summer. There are two stations remaining that need to be “adopted.” This is a really great way to get outside with family and/or friends and enjoy the outdoors while enhancing the beautiful Stations of the Cross pathway. Call or text Sandy at 907-855-1101 if you are interested.
Happy Birthday to Noah Cruz this week!
God bless all of our students and families this summer. We hope for rest, adventure, and joyful Faith for you!
May we make our homes places of relaxation,
joy, love, peace and safety.
May we be generous and considerate,
not thinking only about ourselves,
but helping others enjoy the blessings of the summertime.
Lord God, Creator of all things,
guide our steps and strengthen our hearts
during these months of summer and vacation days.
Grant us refreshment of mind and body.
May we constantly strive to make a meaningful difference
in the lives of our loved ones and in the world around us
as we enjoy the warm days of summertime.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Prayer Spot
For our teenagers
For victims of violent crime
For an end to capital punishment and abortion
For an end to violence
For special intentions requested
Memorial Doors – Archangel Chapel
If you’ve ever been in the Archangel Chapel in the school, you’ll have seen amazing hand drawn portraits of different saints on each of the doors (pictured below is St. Teresa of Calcutta.) The cost for renovating the chapel is financed through the sponsorship of these memorial doors; there are 22 total but just 5 remain. The cost to sponsor a door is $600 and includes a framed saint portrait (donor’s choice) drawn by a Catholic professor at the Saint Paul Seminary, an engraved memorial plaque bearing the deceased’s name, dates of life, and a Scripture quote also of the donor’s choosing. Please contact Fr. Tom at 317-9042 or for more information.
LUMENary Drive:
It’s been a while since we’ve had an update on our fundraising drive, but have been tallying final numbers. Drum roll please……Drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr….$76,035!!! WAY. TO. GO. GENEROUS. DONORS. ONE. AND. ALL!!!
More than 50% of our families were able to participate, representing 27% of all giving! If we add in extended family (because loads of grandmas and grandpas and aunts and uncles and cousins and friends as near and dear as any family member gave too….) Yes, if we add all those big hearts in as well, it takes us up an additional $10,975 for a combined “Lumen family + friends” donation level of $31,295, which is 41% of the total raised. Seriously outstanding! Because of all of our generous donors, be it time, talent or treasure, our students are able to do great things. THANK YOU.
Archangel Sports:
As soon as June & July BASKETBALL camp information is finalized, an email will be sent to all incoming 9th-12th grade families. Coaches are still trying to hammer out those details, thanks for your patience!
Ditto on August SOCCER camp, High School Practices will start late July, Jr. High will start early August. Once start dates and practice info is available, we’ll do a blanket email to all students to make sure we don’t miss anyone.
Front Office News:
Summer Office Hours
Just kidding – there are NO summer office hours. Messages will be checked daily, so do call/text or email if you need anything. Chances are either Mrs. Brewer or I (Ms. Gore) will be around in the school most of the summer but we’re not posting any official hours. Call/text/email is the way to go.
Summer Skill Building Sessions
Beat the summer brain drain…info below as a reminder! Questions? Want to sign up? Email Mrs. Zorea or Mrs. Reed at or
Online Summer School & Fall Classes
Do. Not. Forget! If you have a high school student doing any online classes over the summer – you MUST get those approved by Mrs. Brewer first. We cannot guarantee credit if you don’t have have those reviewed first. Please, please check with her before registering for anything.
Garage Sale
Gigantic parking lot sale, June 4th & 5th. You can start dropping donations off Tuesday, June 1st at the school. Get a jump on Share Hours for next year by volunteering to help sort & set up on Thursday, June 3rd…email the front office at if interested.
And finally….
Thanks to all of you for an amazing, COVID crazy year. Years from now, someone will ask your son or daughter “What did you do during the pandemic?” and in contrast to thousands of their peers, they’ll be able to say “I was at Lumen Christi. A small private school in Anchorage, Alaska. It was a pain in the neck wearing a mask, being socially distanced, sitting behind desk shields, hand sanitizing 10x a day….but we all did it. We all worked together and kept our school healthy. We were able to continue learning in person.”
All the very best – Anne
Lumen News – May 13, 2021
Important Upcoming Dates:
- May 18-20: Finals
- May 20: Last Day of School
- June 4-5: Parking Lot GARAGE SALE! (details below)
- June 7-11: Boys Basketball Camp in the Valley (details to follow)
- June 14 – 17: Girls Basketball Camp in the Valley (details to follow)
- July 12-15: Girls Basketball Camp @ Lumen (details to follow)
Principal’s Update:
All of the news that was fit to print was covered in last night’s End-of-Year-Principal-Parent Forum. Head over to our website at to view Mr. Ross’s slide deck from the event.
Campus Ministry:
Our virtue this week is CONFIDENCE – The strength to believe in yourself, your team and the hard work you have put in to achieve your goals. You carry yourself differently when you are CONFIDENT and that makes a big difference.
The fruit of that righteousness will be peace; its effect will be quietness and confidence forever.
IS 32:16
Tomorrow, we have our last school Mass
Tomorrow we begin our week of prayer for an end to capital punishment.
Food for thought:
Prayer Spot
For our teenagers
For victims of violent crime
For an end to capital punishment and abortion
For an end to violence
For our teenagers
For special intentions requested
If you would like special intentions listed in Lumen News and Prayer Book of Intentions you can send them directly to Mrs. Loeffler or to the Front Office.
Happy Birthday this weekend to Josh!
Archangel Sports:
FALL Co-ed Soccer: HIGH SCHOOL practices will start at the end of July with our first tournament in Healy/Delta/Fairbanks the weekend before school starts. JUNIOR HIGH practices will begin the first week of August. Watch your emails from Coach Warren for an update through the summer, or better yet, email him to let him know you’re interested so he can make sure you get on the ‘to be contacted’ list when start dates are confirmed!
Today/Thursday May 13th is the last practice for both track and futsol. The ‘seasons’ were short and sweet but without actual game/meet time. We’re glad that our student athletes at least had the chance to log some miles and start working on plays….but raise your hand if you’re ready for next year and a return to normal sports seasons with actual events!
Front Office News:
Summer Skill Building Sessions
Banish the summer brain drain! New this year for our incoming 7th graders, and our rising 8th & 9th graders – math and writing workshops in June & July. A couple of “no’s” in these new programs….including no homework and no charge to attend! Information went home with 7th & 8th grade students today, ask your kiddo to dig it out of their backpack! Questions? Email Mrs. Zorea or Mrs. Reed at or
Check this out:
WAY TO GO YEARBOOK TEAM! We’re so proud of you.
St. Benedict’s Parish Picnic
Celebrate spring with our St. Benedict’s friends after this Saturday’s 5p mass! All are welcome!
Lumen News – May 6, 2021
Important Upcoming Dates:
- TONIGHT! May 6: Graduation, 7pm
- TOMORROW! May 7: “Delayed Exposition” – Spring Drama Production, 6p
⇧ Watch both events via live stream on Lumen’s Facebook page ⇧
- May 12: Principal-Parent Forum, 7pm
- May 18-20: Finals
- May 20: Last Day of School
- June 4-5: Parking Lot GARAGE SALE! (details below)
- June 7-11: Boys Basketball Camp in the Valley (details to follow)
- June 14 – 17: Girls Basketball Camp in the Valley (details to follow)
- July 12-15: Girls Basketball Camp @ Lumen (details to follow)
Principal’s Update:
A hearty congratulations to the seven members of our mighty Class of 2021–Jonah, Jaydin, Garrett, Amber, Vanessa, Helene, and Caleb–as they toss their caps into the air tonight and graduate into life after high school! Please keep them and their families in your prayers!
Campus Ministry:
The virtue theme for this week is LEGACY – The strength to hand down a virtuous tradition and memory of your actions. Yes, leaving a LEGACY is not just for old people. We can leave a LEGACY too. Let’s talk about some ways we can leave a LEGACY.
“That is your legacy on this Earth when you leave this Earth: how many hearts you touched.” —Patti Davis
- Congratulations to our graduates!! May Christ be always in your hearts. We wish you peace and success on your journey
- Tomorrow, May, we will have the May Crowning and procession to Mary’s grotto after the 8 a.m. Mass. Thank you for sending flowers!!
- Thank you to our choir: Vincent, Kateri, Anthony, Kayla, Divine, Hayden, and Maggie for sharing your beautiful voices enhancing our liturgies through song!
Prayer Spot:
- For our graduating class
- For an end to violence
- For special intentions requested
If you would like special intentions listed in Lumen News and Prayer Book of Intentions you can send them directly to Mrs. Loeffler or to the Front Office.
Happy Birthday this week to: Cali and James
Archangel Sports:
Next Thursday, May 13th will be the last Futsol practice. We’re *hopeful* that on Friday, May 14th we can have at least ONE scrimmage/match against Holy Rosary Academy. Like all of our other sports seasons this year, actual game time for this sport has been so COVID restricted…we’re looking forward to next year when things are back to normal!
High School Co-ed Soccer: I know it seems crazy to be thinking ahead to August, but keep in mind that the fall soccer season starts BEFORE school does. If you have a rising 9th-12th grader (current 8th – 11th grader) interested in playing next year, please send an email to Coach Warren so he knows who to contact over the summer. Practices will start at the end of July with our first tournament in Healy/Delta/Fairbanks the weekend before school starts.
Like Futsol, next Thursday will be the last day of track. Unlike Futsol, there hasn’t even been ONE meet for us to attend! At least our runners got some mileage in and again, we look forward to next year when things are back to normal.
8th – 12th grade students interested in playing American Legion baseball this summer can try out for their area of town in the coming days. Diamond’s tryouts are Monday, May 10th at 6p (contact John Bruce at but a full list of team tryout info can be found here:
Don’t forget if you’ve got a rising 9th – 12th grader interested in playing football for Dimond High School in the fall to contact Coach Tom Gregory at or call/text him at 907-350-0037.
Front Office News:
Most have been pre-ordered but there will be a few on hand for the procrastinators among us…delicious cheesecakes, homemade by our own Spanish II teacher Deacon Gus and his wife Christina Azpilcueta!
$20 – bring your cash or check made out to the school. THANK YOU Deacon Gus & Christina!
(p.s Deacon brought in 2 cheesecakes this morning and 1) I can personally vouch for their scrumptiousness; and 2) This is the reason I have to wear stretchy clothes…parents who bring so many tasty things to the office….)
TOMORROW – FRIDAY!! Online Spring Drama Production
Please join us for an online production of “DELAYED EXPOSITION” – a story of video games, relationships, and what happens when the barrier between real & fiction is broken and teens are trapped (and things go haywire!) Friday, May 7th at 6p via Lumen’s Facebook Page and YouTube. Thank you to Stacy Robertson and the student actors!
Yearbooks were distributed on Tuesday, May 4th and were accompanied by an Ice Cream Social provided by Tastee Freeze. Thank you to the donor who funded the ice cream social; to Mr. Rich Owens from Tastee Freeze for bringing the ice cream to us; and most of all to our AWESOME Yearbook Team (Kateri Everard, Sabrina Warren, Jamie Estes, Helene Baker and Cali Rybicki, lead by Dr. Carlson) for creating such an amazing remembrance of this crazy COVID year. We’re so thankful for your work!
Parking Lot Garage Sale
If there’s one thing for certain it’s that Anchorage-ites love a good garage sale. So mark your calendars – June 4th & 5th we’ll host a massive one in the school parking lot! Last year we made nearly $13,000 between the two different events we held and we know we can do it again this year. So start your spring cleaning, we’ll start collecting things at the school earlier that week!
As you’re setting aside things for the Garage Sale, start a second pile of uniform items that your kid(s) have outgrown this year. Drop those at the school when you drop for the Garage Sale…you’ll next see them at Back to School Registration on August 3rd. This is always a great time to find up-cycled uniform pieces that depending upon how fast the previous owner grew, still have loads of life left in them!
Accounting Assistant Opportunity
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish has a volunteer or part-time paid Accounting Assistant position open. The position is for 8-10 hrs/week. Requirements include accounting experience, Excel, and organizational skills. Send resume to or call 907-644-9720. Deadline to apply is May 21st or until filled.
Thanks everyone & have a great weekend. Enjoy the sun!
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