Lumen News – 01/19/2018
Important Upcoming Dates:
- Jan 18th-26th: 9 Days for Life Novena
- Jan 23rd: Gala Meeting, 7pm
- Jan 28th-Feb 3rd: Catholic Schools Week
- Jan 29th: All Catholic Schools Mass at OLG, 10:30am
- Jan 29th: Academic Awards Assembly, 2pm
- Jan 29th: 2nd Annual State of the School Address, 7pm
- Jan 30th: Gala Meeting, 7pm
- Feb 3rd: Archdiocesan Parish Basketball Night, 3-6pm
- Feb 4th: Lumen Christi/St. Benedict’s Community Mass, 10:30am
- Feb 10th: Lumen Christi’s Mardi Gras Gala, 5:30pm
- Feb 13th: Fat Tuesday Pancake Dinner, 6-8pm
- Feb 14th: Ash Wednesday Mass, 9am
- Feb 15-16th: Parent Teacher Conferences
From the Principal:
As a school, we have started the US Conference of Catholic Bishops “9 Days for Life” novena from Jan 18-26. As mentioned previously, we hope you will continue the prayers with your student at home over the weekend of Jan 20-21. More information about the “digital novena” can be found at: You can sign up and follow along with the novena via email, text, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Thanks for joining us in prayer!
I look forward to seeing everyone at the State of the School on January 29th and Community Mass at Saint Benedict’s on February 4th. Thanks for your support!
Mark Your Calendars! Spring Open Houses: Please spread the word and invite families you know entering grades 7-12 to come to one of Lumen Christi’s Spring Open Houses.
March 7th from 6-8pm
April 5th form 6-8pm
Scrip Order Deadline: Our next Scrip order deadline is Wednesday, January 24th at 3pm. Please submit your orders through your online Scrip account or stop by the office to fill out an order form.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Open House: Do you have children in grades K-6 or know someone who does? Consider stopping by St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School for their Open House on January 21st from 1-2pm. For more information visit or call 907-345-3712.
BP Teacher of Excellence: Nominations are open, please visit for more information and to nominate your favorite teacher.
Italian Dinner: St. Benedict’s Italian Dinner is on January 20th at 6PM. It is a fundraiser for our pilgrims going to world youth day. The feast will include 7 courses of homemade Italian food including polenta, pasta, gnocchi, desserts, stuffed mushrooms and more. Kids under 5 are free, children 5-15 are ½ off and everyone else is $30. Tickets will be on sale after Mass the next two weekends or you can email me with your ticket order at
Volunteers Needed! St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School Open House: We are looking for a couple of families to volunteer to man a Lumen Christi informational table at St. Elizabeth’s Open House on Sunday, January 21st from 1-2pm. We will provide the informational materials and display–we just need parents and students to sing praises of our school! Please let Mr. Ross or Mrs. Estes know if you are interested.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Spaghetti Dinner: On January 27th, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School will host their annual Spaghetti Dinner, Dance & Dessert Raffle at 6:30pm in St. Elizabeth’s Miki Center. Please see the attached flyer for more details.
Catholic Schools Week:
Volunteers Needed!! Sunday, January 28th: This Sunday is the official start to Catholic Schools Week. I am soliciting parents and students to serve as “Ambassadors” for our school. These Ambassadors agree to speak at their parish Masses or Sunday church services or even hold an informational meeting for families from their church or denomination. The purpose is to have our current families to sing the praises of our school in order to move us from the “Best Kept Secret in Anchorage” to the “Best Known School in Anchorage” and to grow our enrollment. If interested in this opportunity for Share Hours, please contact Brian Ross directly at 907-273-1503 or
All Catholic Schools Mass (Monday, January 29th at 10:30am): Lumen Christi will join St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Holy Rosary, and Our Lady of the Valley for an All Catholic Schools Mass at Our Lady of Guadalupe Co-Cathedral at 10:30am. Please join us if your schedule allows.
Academic Awards Assembly (Monday, January 29th, at 2pm): We will celebrate the academic accomplishments of our students from semester 1. Parents are welcome!
State of the School Parent Meeting (Monday, January 29th at 7pm): Our 2nd annual “State of the School” meeting for all current parents and prospective families. Light refreshments will be served and there will be a few raffle prizes. You can expect a series of short presentations by the Principal, Father Tom, and others highlighting our mission and vision, academics, campus ministry, finance, and athletics. If you want information on what our school has done this year and where it is going in the future, you do not want to miss this event.
Parish Basketball Night (Saturday, Feb 3rd, from 3-6pm): All Archdiocesan parish families are offered free admission to our basketball games against Wainwright and will receive a ticket for one free popcorn or candy. Fun halftime activities and free giveaways! Our girls game will begin at 3pm, boys at 4:30pm. Come cheer on Lumen!!! Go Archangels!!
Lumen Christi Community Mass at St. Benedict Parish (Sunday, February 4th at 10:30am): As Catholic Schools Week comes to a close, what a better way to celebrate our school than with the parishioners of St. Benedict’s. Our students and staff will participate in the liturgy as altar servers, lectors, extraordinary ministers, gift bearers, and hospitality. This is not a mandatory event, but I am requesting parents and students to attend whether you are Catholic or not. As a ministry of St. Benedict, our school benefits greatly from the generosity, support, and hospitality of the parish. This is our way of showing our deepest appreciation by celebrating the Mass with them.
St. Benedict’s Father Daughter Dance: All are invited to St. Benedict’s Father Daughter Dance on February 3, 2018 from 6:30pm -8:30pm at Lumen Christi gym upper room. Tickets are available at the door for $5.
Bell Schedule Adjustment: Due to Ash Wednesday, the school will attend Mass on Wednesday, February 14th instead of Thursday, February 15th. Please note the bell schedule changes:
On Wednesday the 14th, we will follow a “Thursday” schedule.
Parent-Teacher Conferences:
On Thursday, February 15th, we will follow a Friday A schedule with school dismissal at 12:20pm. Parent teacher conferences will be from 3-7pm
On Friday, February 16th, we will follow a Friday B schedule with school dismissal at 12:20pm. Parent teacher conferences will be from 1-4pm
Click. Pick. Give: When you choose Pick.Click.Give to benefit Lumen Christi High School, your money supports the education programs that have prepared our students for college and life. Your generous donation ensures that our students continue to be equipped with academic excellence and faith. Thank you for prayerfully considering Lumen Christi on the list of your Pick.Click.Give. donations. Your link to Pick.Click.Give.
Calling All Photographers!: Do you have any great pictures of your students playing sports or participating in extra-curricular activities? Although our Yearbook team tries to be at as many events as possible, we can’t be everywhere. Please send any pictures you have to Mrs. Spillers, so that we can try to include them in the yearbook. E-mail:
PVO News:
The month of February has a lot of SHARE HOUR opportunities! Don’t miss out on getting your share hours with the Gala, Attic Fridays, and Concessions!!
GALA: is less than 4 WEEKS AWAY!
Bring in a bottle of WINE for share hours- See sign up for details..
Sign up to help IRON linens for the Gala.
Online sign up
Tickets are on sale now- purchase individual tickets or see if your company may be interested in a corporate table or purchasing an ad in the Gala Booklet.
Gala meeting is on January 23rd at 7pm.
ATTIC FRIDAYS: We need to fill spots on 1/26.
HELP NEEDED: Please consider taking a leadership role in one of the following roles-
Gala Co-Chair for 2018-2019: With the O’Connell family moving later this year we will need help in the year to come. Learning this year is a great way to start!
Fur Rondy Float Lead: We are looking for someone to help get the Lumen Christi float ready for the parade on February 24th!
Concession Stand/Gate Volunteers Needed: Please click on the following link to volunteer to work the concession stand or the Gate (admissions). Volleyball Rallies have been added to the schedule-
If you have any questions or can help with any of these roles please contact Danielle- or 227-7080.
Campus Ministry:
All are invited to join us for Mass at 7:15 a.m. Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays in our School Chapel!
In today’s secular culture there is too often a disdain for the precious gift of life. It shows in our media, entertainment, legislation and relationships. The good news is we have the power of prayer to overcome evil. Lumen Christi will be joining Faith communities across the country in praying a Novena for Life. We will meet together each morning at 7:45 in the main hallway for prayer from January 18 – January 26. Please join us one or more of these days, and we encourage you to continue the Novena with your family on Saturday and Sunday of the week.
Please sign up for service at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School. Each Friday 4 students are needed to help in classrooms from 12:30-2:30. Students please sign up in the main hallway.
Campus Ministry and St. Benedict Youth Group will be holding our second annual Fat Tuesday pancake dinner on Tuesday, February 13. Proceeds will go to a local charity, the St. Benedict Youth Group and the Lumen Christi Campus Ministry Program. We will appreciate help or donations for the evening. And of course, please come enjoy a pancake dinner and support our cause! Details to follow.
Calling all musicians!!! We are looking for a piano player to play for our school Masses! You may choose the hymns with which you are most comfortable. Please see Mrs. Loeffler.
Sign up sheets for Friday service hours at The Archangel Attic can be found on the bulletin board across from the school office. Students please sign up!!
All eligible students are invited to be trained as altar servers for our school Masses. Interested students please see Mrs. Loeffler.
If you know of a worthy cause in need of volunteers let us know so we can get the word out!
A Look Ahead:
We are running a drive for Catholic Social Services during the week of January 29 – February 2. Following are items for each grade to bring in. Students please give items to Advisory teachers.
7th: Toilet Paper
8th Grade (Beau and Mike): Coffee
9th Grade: Napkins
10th: Paper Plates & Paper Towels
11th: Trash Bags
12th: Homeless Bags
Prayer Corner:
(prayer requests can be sent to Liz Loeffler –
Pray for
Our local, state, national, world, and Church leaders
Women who are facing unplanned or difficulty pregnancies that they will be given support and choose life for their children
Repose of the souls of Fr. Steven Moore and M.J. Marteeny, and comfort to their family and friends
Those who are lacking adequate food and shelter, especially during this winter season
Respect for all life