Lumen News – April 2, 2020
Upcoming Important Dates:
- Friday, April 3rd/TOMORROW is a “B” schedule. Students attend 2nd, 4th, 6th period classes (if assigned by teacher).
- Thursday, April 9th – Holy Thursday (“Attend” your choice of Holy Thursday Service)
- Friday, April 10th – Good Friday – no classes (“Attend” your choice of Good Friday Service)
- Monday, April 13th – Easter Monday – no classes
- Prom: Cancelled (sadly)
- Baccalaureate: Still under discussion, but most likely will NOT be the traditional in-person Mass
- Graduation: Still under discussion, but most likely will NOT be the traditional commencement ceremony in the gym
Principal’s Update:
See my “Lumen Tube” weekly update here: Principals Update April 2, 2020
Campus Ministry:
During this time of uncertainty and social distancing, stay connected to each other through Christ.
Because many of our students have communicated feelings of boredom, isolation and restlessness during this time of “social distancing,” a student lead Ministry Team has formed and is excited to launch a remote peer support group. “Out of the Desert,” will be a safe space for students to come together online and share thoughts and worries, enjoy community, talk, laugh and pray. The focus is on student well-being through peer companionship. Weekly meetings will be monitored by an adult and led by Lumen students who have been trained in group facilitation. Each Lumen student will be receiving an invitation to join a small group from the Student Ministry Team within the next week. This is not a class, is not a requirement, does not lead to extra credit. This is an opportunity for our students, your kids to feel connected, be uplifted and know that they matter.
A reminder that tomorrow, April 3rd is the last Friday to do Stations of the Cross during this season of Lent. A nice online ‘Stations’ source in both English and Spanish can be found here:
There are many options to fulfill Mass obligations both on Thursday for students and as a family on Sunday. Fr. Tom’s St. Benedict’s masses can be live streamed on Facebook here: Don’t do Facebook? Any number of masses can be found at
The schedule for Archdiocesan Holy Week and Easter liturgies has not been announced, but will be soon. Please check the Archdiocesan website for updates at:
Looking for a way to stay busy at home? How about:
Board games
Family movie night
Taking walks
Play cards
Organize and share family albums from all those pics on your phone!
Write letters and cards
Kids reorganize rooms
Attend virtual Youth Group and Discussions
Reconnect by phone or text with friends and family you have not seen for a while
Students can go to the Campus Ministry Google Classroom for more ideas and to share!
Grace and peace to you all!
Prayer Spot
Please pray for:
Students, teachers and families who are working from home
Medical professionals and first responders
Those most vulnerable to illness
If you would like special intentions listed in Lumen News and Prayer Book of Intentions send them directly to Mrs. Loeffler.
School Announcements:
Silver Lining – Culinary Arts Intensive
Had we started back to school as planned, six students would currently be attending the 7th period Culinary Arts Intensive with instructor (and alumni mom) Carol Sturgulewski. Since the intensive (like school) obviously can’t happen, Mrs. Sturgulewski has agreed to write up each of the lessons she would have presented and we will be including them each week with Lumen News!
This means that all students (and siblings and parents) – not just those who were signed up for the class can learn and re-learn kitchen basics and move up to more advanced cooking skills as we move through spring!
So get out your knives and cutting boards then keep reading below to find a way to both keep your kids occupied and learn some new skills to boot. We’re super excited to be able to share these lessons and recipes from an accomplished local chef.
Next Week’s Schedule
A copy of the school’s on-line class schedule has been posted to our website. You can click here to download and print a copy:
Tomorrow/April 3rd is a Friday “B” Schedule.
Next Friday is Good Friday and no classes will be held.
St. Benedict’s (Now On-Line!) Youth Group:
All Lumen students regardless of Parish affiliation are welcome to join the St. B’s Youth Group
Please Join Us! Sunday April 5th from 4-5pm we will be joining 2100 other parishes in ProjectYM Live. This week it will feature Fr. Mike Schmitz.
Monday April 6th is a follow-up discussion on ProjectYM and Divine Mercy chaplet at 3pm via Skype.
Wednesday April 8th Youth Night via Skype at 7pm, We’ll be playing a game, prayer and more!
Email for Skype links.
1 15-ounce can chopped tomatoes
Onion, enough to make 1/3 cup when finely chopped
½ fresh jalapeno
½ cup fresh cilantro (leaves, not stems)
1 garlic clove
2 Tbsp. lime juice
½ tsp. chili powder
¼ tsp. ground cumin
Salt and pepper
(This recipe is even better if you have fresh Roma tomatoes–you’d need about 5 for this recipe–but hey, it’s Alaska and there’s still snow on the ground. Good fresh tomatoes are hard to find!)
Drain the juice out of the canned tomatoes. (You can use the juice for other things–throw it in the minestrone!) Finely chop tomatoes, onion, jalapeno, cilantro and garlic. Remember to take seeds out of the jalapeno and throw them away, and don’t touch your eyes with your hands until you wash thoroughly–hot!
Add remaining ingredients.
Stir and serve with chips. (Although if you can spare 15 minutes to let the flavors blend, that’s even better!)
Bon Appetit!
For a shortcut, use 2 cups premade salsa or enchilada sauce in place of the first 4 ingredients.
1 15-ounce can chopped tomatoes
1 tsp. dried cilantro or 1 Tbsp. fresh cilantro
½ tsp. dried oregano
1/4 tsp. garlic powder or 1 garlic clove, finely chopped
4 8-inch flour tortillas
1 Tbsp. olive oil or salad oil
2 cups shredded “Mexican blend” or cheddar or Monterey jack cheese
1 15-ounce can refried beans
Cheddar cheese, sour cream, chopped onion, etc. for toppings
You’ll also need:
A 9-inch round pan, such as a cake or pie pan
A blender food processor, blender stick, immersion blender–something to moosh things up.
Measuring cups and spoons
Preheat oven to 450 degrees.
Open the beans, scrape them into a bowl, mash them up and divide them into four even sections in the bowl.
Put the cheese onto a plate and divide it into four even sections.
Using a blender or whatever you have, mix up the tomatoes, cilantro, oregano and garlic powder until they’re smooth. This is called a puree. Spread ¼ cup of the sauce into the round pan and swoosh it around until the bottom is thinly covered.
Spread 1 tortilla with 1/4 of the refried beans (it’ll be like spreading peanut butter) and put it in the pan, bean-side up. Top beans with ½ cup cheese and ½ cup sauce.
Spread ¼ of the beans on a second tortilla, and put it on the stack, bean-side up. Again, top with ½ cup cheese and ½ cup sauce.
Spread 1/4 of the beans on tortilla number 3, and put it on the stack, bean-side up. Again, top with 1/2 cup cheese and 1/2 cup sauce..

Serve with cheese, sour cream, olives, avocado, etc. for toppings. Serves 4.
(This recipe is easy and pretty fun to make. On non-Lenten days, you can add cooked ground beef or chicken in a couple of the layers for extra protein.)
Bon Appetit!
Lumen News – March 26, 2020
Upcoming Important Dates:
Unfortunately and as you can imagine, all activities in the short term have been cancelled or postponed. Those include our Spring Drama Production of “Cat & Mouse” (cancelled); all spring sports (cancelled); Prom (postponed at this point); Graduation (still under determination.)
Principal’s Update:
Please click here for Mr. Ross’s update: Principals Update March 26 2020
Campus Ministry:
During this time of uncertainty and distancing stay connected to each other through Christ.
Looking for ideas on how to spend your time at home? How about:
Board games
Family movie night
Taking walks
Play cards
Organize and share family albums from all those pics on your phone!
Write letters and cards
Kids reorganize rooms
Attend virtual Youth Group and Discussions
Reconnect by phone or text with friends and family you have not seen for a while
Students can go to the Campus Ministry Google Classroom for more ideas.
Grace and peace to you all!
Prayer Spot:
Please pray for:
Students, teachers and families who are working from home
Medical professionals and first responders
Those most vulnerable to illness
If you would like special intentions listed in Lumen News and Prayer Book of Intentions send them directly to Mrs. Loeffler.
School Announcements:
Next Week’s Schedule:
Tomorrow, March 27th is a Friday A schedule.
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wed |
Thursday |
Friday A |
Friday B |
8 am |
Period 1 |
Period 2 |
Period 1 |
Period 2 |
9 am |
Mass (see below) |
Stations of the Cross (see below) |
Stations of the Cross (see below) |
10 am |
Advisory |
Period 3 |
Period 4 |
Period 3 |
Period 4 |
11 am |
12 pm |
Period 5 |
Period 6 |
Period 5 |
Period 6 |
1 pm |
Students use the remainder of the day to complete assignments, email teachers, etc. |
2:30pm |
For Thursday Mass, despite our social distancing we will strive for all to ‘attend Mass” and remain in “community” with each other by watching Father Tom’s live streamed Mass on Facebook at 9AM. If students are not able to watch the St. Benedict’s live stream (or another parish Mass live stream), students will access the Magnificat online (free at and read the readings, prayers, and thoughts for the day.
For Friday Stations of the Cross (March 27 and April 3), all students (as individuals or as a family) will complete the Stations of the Cross via This resource has English and Spanish versions as well as audio.
As noted in Mr. Ross’s update, we’ve put together a Parent Tip Sheet which we hope will add to your success as a family during this ‘cyber school’ period.
Lumen News – March 5, 2020
Important Upcoming Dates:
- Mar 6th: Inservice Day (No School)
- Mar 7th-15th: Spring Break
- Mar 16th: Cinco De Mayo Planning Meeting, 6:30p (details below)
- Mar 18th-21st: State Basketball Tournament @ Alaska Airlines Center
- Mar 19th: All School Mass, 9am
- Mar 20th: Stations of the Cross, 9am (school)
- Apr 16th – “Screenagers” Movie, 7:00p (details below)
Principal’s Update:
We wish our boys and girls basketball teams good luck at the regional tournament in Soldotna these next few days. Our girls pulled off a great victory over Ninilchik on Wednesday, with the boys playing this afternoon in their first game.
On behalf of the entire faculty and staff, we wish you a safe and blessed Spring Break!
LUMENary Drive Update:
As we head into Spring Break, know that our combined family+staff+School Board+St. Benedict’s Parish+Lumen Friends+community-at-large efforts to meet our goal of raising $50,000 is a near success! We’re currently sitting at $49,659 and we’d love to see one last push to not just meet that goal, but exceed it! Currently, 36 of our 56 enrolled families (or 64%) have contributed to the Drive – this is the highest percentage of family support in several years. THANK YOU. These families represent 23% of total donors, and 18% of the total amount raised. This is fantastic! But also means that St. Benedict’s parishioners, friends of Lumen and the community at large make up the other 77% of donors and 82% of donations.
Remember that if you haven’t contributed yet, it’s not too late. Any amount, large or small is welcome and we always strive for 100% family participation. This 100% benchmark shows the community that our Lumen families recognize and support the sacrifice to make Catholic education available to all. Please help if you can.
Virtue of the Week:
This week’s SportsLeader Virtue is ASSIDUOUS: The strength to unceasingly seek the desired goal. The opposite of assiduous is NEGLIGENCE: The weakness of not paying attention to important details.
Catholic Schools Campaign Update:
Small but mighty! We know for certain that 8 families have sent “I love my Catholic School” cards out because we’ve had 11 responses from friends and family come back with donations totaling $1,745. Once again, thanks to those of you who helped your student get those cards out. If you haven’t sent yours out (or if you have and are inspired to send more!) Ms. Gore will be in the Office tomorrow and even next week. Send her an email and she can get supplies out to you.
Campus Ministry:
The Campus Ministry Office is located in the school, students and parents are always welcome to stop by!
“Be who you are, and be that well!” St. Francis DeSales
Many blessings for a safe and restful Spring Break!
Please send Mrs. Loeffler news and activities happening in your parishes!
Prayer Spot
Please pray for:
The repose of the soul of Herbert (Jake) Craw, uncle of Mrs. Brewer, and comfort for the family
Parents and families who have suffered the loss of a child born or unborn
The repose of the soul of Ginger Ingram and comfort for her family and friends
Peace among all nations and peoples.
Those without adequate food, shelter and clothing throughout the winter.
All those who are living with a mental health condition.
If you would like special intentions listed in Lumen News and Prayer Book of Intentions send them directly to Mrs. Loeffler.
All are invited to join us for Mass at 7:15 a.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays in our School Chapel.
Pray for health in our community.
Pray for Peace. Act with Peace.
Archangel Sports Update:
Both of the basketball teams are on the road playing at the Regional Conference down in Soldotna. Good luck to our Archangels and watch here for news next week.
Did you know that Lumen Christi has a rifle program? Six of our students practice Monday and Tuesday after school with a “virtual match” on Wednesdays. We are competing in a spring league of nearly 600 shooters, from 30 different states, as well as Guam. So far our record is 1-3, with matches against teams in Virginia, Delaware, North Carolina, and Wyoming! Follow us at
Junior High, Co-Ed Indoor Soccer (“Futsol”) starts on Monday, March 16th – the first day back to school after Spring Break. This is a relatively short season lasting only 3 weeks. The first week practices will be on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, March 16th, 17th & 18th from 5:30-6:45p in the Lumen Gym. The first Indoor Jamboree against other schools will be Friday, March 20th from 4p – 8p also in the Lumen Gym. Contact Coach Warren if you have questions –
School Announcements:
SAVE THE DATE – Screenagers Movie
Just because our students aren’t on their phones during the school day doesn’t mean they’re immune to the stress, anxiety and depression that can come with growing up in the digital age.
To learn more about these issues and also how you can help your student learn to navigate their ‘electronic adolescence,’ please join us for an important showing of “Screenagers NEXT CHAPTER: Uncovering skills for Stress Resilience” on Thursday, April 16th from 7-8:30p in the Lumen Gym. This movie will be free and open to the general public. Bring your students then stay to enjoy an ice cream social afterwards, generously hosted by Lumen parents Dr. Rich & Ms. Shareen Crosby. For more information on the movie click here: or to watch a trailer of the film, click here:
COVID-19/Coronavirus Update
On Monday of this week, Mr. Ross emailed an important update outlining the steps the school had taken in the event that we had a serious coronavirus outbreak in Anchorage. Today the Archdiocese of Anchorage released an similar update.
St. Benedicts & Other Community Events:
St. Theresa’s “Raising o’ the Green Fundraiser
Last reminder to buy your tickets for St. Theresa’s Camp annual fundraiser. This event sells out every year and is always a load of fun (and supports a GREAT cause.) See the flyer below for more information.
St. Benedict’s Youth Group
All Lumen students are welcome, regardless of parish affiliation or faith background.
High School Youth Night: Wednesday, March 11th, Lent: Learn How to Do It Right! AND Kickball! 7p-9p, Upper Room.
Junior High Youth Night: Thursday, March 19th, 6-8p in the Upper Room.
Read MoreLumen News – February 27, 2020
Important Upcoming Dates:
- Fridays, Feb 28th – April 3rd: Late dismissal at 12:35p, see below for more information.
- Feb 29th: Fur Rendezvous Parade, 10:30am
- Mar 2nd: All School Rosary, 2pm
- Mar 3rd: Post Gala/Wrap Up Meeting, 7pm
- Mar 5th: No All School 9a Mass
- Mar 6th: Inservice Day (No School)
- Mar 7th-15th: Spring Break
- Apr 3-4: Spring Drama Production at APU
Principal’s Update:
GOOD NEWS! Our cooperative sports agreement with the Anchorage School District was approved by the ASAA Board of Directors this week! This agreement allows our students to participate in ASD high school sports which we do not offer, including football, baseball, hockey, softball, tennis, wrestling, swim/dive, gymnastics, and Nordic skiing, without having to be enrolled in an alternative education/home school program. Students can attend Lumen during the day, and head to their public school sports team after school, without having to do twice the academic work of other students. We hope the local press will pick up this good news story! PRAISE BE TO GOD!
We have entered the season of Lent. Starting this Friday, Feb 28th, our bell schedule will adjust to allow for Stations of the Cross (9-9:45am) as well as lunch (11-11:25am). For Friday Lenten lunches, the school staff will provide hot soup & rolls for lunch for all students. The cost is $2 with 100% of proceeds being donated to Refugee Relief Services. Please note the later dismissal at 12:35pm (instead of 12:20pm). There are 4 Fridays which will have this lunch/late dismissal schedule in place: Tomorrow/Friday February 28th, (nothing on March 6th or 13th due to Spring Break), then resuming for Friday March 20th and 27th and April 3rd.
The 2020-21 School Calendar has been posted to our website and can be located at under the “Calendar” tab. You’ll notice that there are different start dates for Junior High (Monday, August 17th) and High School (Tuesday, August 18th.) Our sister/elementary school, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, will start classes on Monday, but all ASD public students will not start until Tuesday. We chose to split the difference, allowing our youngest and newest students (7th and 8th graders) a full day to get oriented to school without the distraction of the older students present. All our students will be in school on Tuesday, August 18th, and we plan to have a first day of school Mass that day as well. Hard copies of the calendar are available in the Front Office.
We hope to see your family out at the Fur Rondy Parade this Saturday. Please refer to my email earlier this week on details. Be at the corner of 8th and D Streets in spirit wear by 10am. We should be finished by noon. Any student that attends and walks/rides in the parade will earn a spirit day on Wednesday, March 4th.
Virtue of the Week:
This week’s SportsLeader Virtue is ACCURACY: The strength to achieve an objective with precision and exactness. The opposite of accuracy is CARELESSNESS: The weakness of not striving for precision or excellence in our work or habits.
Catholic Schools Campaign Update:
Hand written letters may seem a thing of the past, but amidst the amount of junk mail that clogs our mailboxes, personal notes can be powerful. Thanks to all who worked with their student(s) to get cards and letters out – we continue to receive notes from supportive friends and family!
Campus Ministry:
The Campus Ministry Office is located in the school, students and parents are always welcome to stop by!
“Laugh and grow strong!” St. Ignatius
Lane Crosby played her violin beautifully for our school Mass on Thursday!! Thank you, Lane, we make our worship even more beautiful!
Mollie McCamy is our Senior Spotlight in this week’s St. benedict Bulletin.
Thank you everyone for your kind donations to and attendance at our Fat Tuesday Pancake dinner. It was a great success!
Please join us tomorrow at 9 a.m. in the school Stations of the Cross. This is a beautiful prayer as scripted and led by our Lumen students.
We still need a few volunteers for our Passion Encounter. Students can sign up on the bulletin board outside room 120.
Please send Mrs. Loeffler news and activities happening in your parishes!
Prayer Spot
For health and healing of the sick in our school and greater community.
For peace among all nations and peoples.
For those without adequate food, shelter and clothing throughout the winter.
For all those who are living with a mental health condition.
If you would like special intentions listed in Lumen News and Prayer Book of Intentions send them directly to Mrs. Loeffler.
All are invited to join us for Mass at 7:15 a.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays in our School Chapel.
Pray for health in our community
Pray for Peace. Act with Peace.
Archangel Sports Update:
Our last home basketball game is TONIGHT against Birchwood, the Girls will start at 5:30p and the Boys at 7p. It will also be “Senior Night” so please come out to cheer on our teams as well as recognize the graduating seniors who have contributed to team successes over the years. Once tonight’s games are over, the next stop for both teams will be the Regional Conference in Soldotna March 47th – 7th and then the State Tournament at the Alaska Airlines Center from March 18th – 21st.
Archangel Shout Out
Our students do amazing things both on campus and off. Shout out to these two, today!
8th graders Kateri Everard and Ryan Solberg competed in the State Battle of the Books competition this week. They battled hard through the first round, advanced into the second round, and competed well overall. We are so proud of their determination, constant reading and re-reading, and their strong teamwork. Good Battling, Kateri and Ryan!
School Announcements:
Student Helpers Needed
Once a year, all priests in Alaska come together for a week of meetings – this year the meetings kick off this coming Monday, March 2nd. We are looking for a group of 8 – 10 students who would like to help serve dinner to the priests that Monday (March 2nd) at Our Lady of Guadalupe Co-Cathedral from 6:15p – 8p. This is a wonderful way to represent our school and to say thank you to those who have answered the vocation call. Please call/text or email Ms. Gore (who will be supervising) if you’d like your student to help!
25th Anniversary Gala – WRAP UP MEETING
Tuesday March 3rd @ 7pm in the Library
Whether you volunteered in the weeks and months leading up to the event, volunteered the day or night of, or attended the event, now is the time to share our successes and what we can improve upon for next year. Earn a fundraising Share Hour for attending!
PLEASE MAKE TIME TO ATTEND OUR LAST MEETING – ALL INPUT IS GREATLY APPRECIATED! Please contact us if you have questions- 273-1530/
Danielle & Julie
Lumen Christi Gala Co-Chairs
DEADLINE – TODAY! Senior Slide Show
Senior parents & guardians… if you haven’t by now, please send a collection of 10-20 pictures of your student by the end of today to Mrs. Spillers. These are for the graduation slide show and typically range from when they are little to their current age.
On-going Share Hour Opportunity
The Clothesline, a high end women’s clothing consignment store located on Northern Lights near Minnesota makes clothing available for our Archangel Attic to sell. These items represent pieces that have cycled through their store without being purchased and bring in top dollar when sold at the Attic. For the past 3 years, two Lumen moms have taken responsibility to pick up these donations and deliver them to the Attic but are now ready to hand the job off. This is a year round, once a week (Monday before 4:30p) obligation and would fulfill your family’s 40 hr/year Share Hour obligation, and then some! Please let Ms. Gore at the Front Desk know if you are interested in this job. It’s easy, routinely scheduled, and most of all, supports the Archangel Attic’s inventory, 100% of the proceeds which come to support the school.
Bunny Rabbit Sitter Needed!
Mrs. Craig is in need of a bunny sitter for Spring Break (March 6-15) and the Easter holiday (April 10-13.) Jidor the rabbit is very friendly and would love to have a home over the extended break. Mrs. Craig will supply bedding and food for the vacation. Please contact her directly if you are available to bunny sit!
Birthday Bag Drive
National Honor Society is having a drive for birthday bags from February 26-March 5th. Items collected will go towards monthly birthday bags that are delivered to kids at the Clare and Covenant house. We are asking that students bring in the following items based on grades:
7th: Cake Mix
8th: Frosting
9th: Gift bags (large present sized bags) and tissue paper
10th: Small kid games and decks of cards
11th: Socks
12th: Coloring Books
Thanks in advance for anything you can provide. Please contact Mrs. Craig at with questions.
St. Benedicts & Other Community Events:
St. Benedict’s Youth Group
All Lumen students are welcome, regardless of parish affiliation or faith background.
High School Youth Night: Wednesday, March 4th, Testimony & Pizza Night: 7p-9p, Upper Room.
Junior High Youth Night: Thursday, March 5th, 6-8p in the Upper Room.
Lumen News – February 20, 2020
Important Upcoming Dates:
- Feb 22nd: Junior High Social, 3-6pm (after last volleyball games)
- Feb 22nd: Valentine’s Dance (High School only), 8-11pm
- Feb 25th: Mardi Gras Pancake Dinner and Open House, 5:30-8pm – Volunteers & supplies needed, see below!
- Feb 26th: Ash Wednesday (All School Mass at 9am)
- Feb 27th: Basketball Senior Night vs Birchwood, 5:30pm (girls), 7pm (boys)
- Feb 29th: Fur Rendezvous Parade, 10:30am
- Mar 2nd: All School Rosary, 2pm
- Mar 3rd: Post Gala/Wrap Up Meeting, 7pm
- Mar 6th: Inservice Day (No School)
- Mar 7th-15th: Spring Break
- Apr 3-4: Spring Drama Production at APU
Principal’s Update:
As we are marketing on Facebook and other social media, February is School Choice Month. Please bring a prospective family to one of the following events next week and let’s show others why they need to choose our school!
1. Our Mardi Gras Pancake Dinner on Tuesday, Feb 25th from 5:30-8pm. Who doesn’t love breakfast for dinner? Especially when it is free (donations accepted, of course!) Come join our other Lumen families for free pancakes and sausage and leave dinner to us. More details below.
2. Archangels vs Warriors Basketball on Thursday, Feb 27th. Come support our school teams as we compete against our archrival, the Birchwood Christian School Warriors. Girls play at 5:30pm, boys play at 7pm. Our boys team is 17-3 and poised to head to the State Championships in March! This is also our “Senior Night” where we recognize our senior athletes from the mighty class of 2020. All Lumen families in spirit wear get in free!
We look forward to seeing you this week for fun events at our school! Thanks again for all your support!
LUMENary Drive Update:
We’re getting close and SO appreciate each and every LUMENary donation that has come in to date. And yes, they’re still coming in! Remember that we strive for 100% family participation and no amount is too small to give. Together as a community we’ll reach our goal and collectively support Catholic education.
Virtue of the Week:
This week’s SportsLeader Virtue is PASSION: The strength to intensely pursue a goal. The opposite of passion is SLUGGISHNESS: The weakness of being unwilling to act quickly or seek improvement.
Catholic Schools Campaign Update:
Slow and steady, the “I Love My Catholic School” cards continue to arrive in the Office. To date, over $1,345.00 has come in. Thank you for helping your students complete that note-writing task at home. And hey! if the cards are still sitting in a pile on your kitchen counter, you can still send them out even though Catholic Schools Week was last month. All support is good, and no judgement for late mailing – life gets busy, we get it.
Campus Ministry:
The Campus Ministry Office is located in the school, students and parents are always welcome to stop by!
“Laugh and grow strong!” St. Ignatius
Our tenth grade retreat has been rescheduled to Friday, April 24th, at The Holy Spirit Center. We are looking for a parent to organize lunch for the class.
We begin Stations of the Cross next Friday, February 28th in the school. Please come and experience this beautiful prayer as scripted and led by our Lumen students.
We still need a few volunteers for our Passion Encounter. Students can sign up on the bulletin board outside room 120.
Please send Mrs. Loeffler news and activities happening in your parishes!
Prayer Spot
For health and healing of the sick in our school and greater community.
For peace among all nations and peoples.
For those without adequate food, shelter and clothing throughout the winter.
For all those who are living with a mental health condition.
If you would like special intentions listed in Lumen News and Prayer Book of Intentions send them directly to Mrs. Loeffler.
All are invited to join us for Mass at 7:15 a.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays in our School Chapel.
Pray for Peace. Act with Peace.
Archangel Sports Update:
The Jr. High Volleyball Rally last Thursday was another thumbs-up afternoon of awesome playing and great fun. Our co-ed Team continues to impress & improve and are sitting in the middle of the pack as far as standings go. There’s a 2 day tournament starting tomorrow – Friday’s games will be from 5p-8p (our team plays at 7p) and Saturday’s play will run 9a-3p (our team will either play at 9a or 10a depending on if we win or lose Friday night.) We could use some help in concessions during the tourney, please sign up here if you want to earn some Share Hours and can help!
This week’s Tuesday night basketball game against South JV was cancelled due to the heavy snow & road conditions. The next game isThursday, February 27th against Birchwood, Girls at 5:30p/Boys at 7p. This is our last home game for the teams before the Conference Tournament in Soldotna March 6th – 8th. It will also be “Senior Night” so please come out to cheer on our teams as well as recognize the graduating seniors who have contributed to team successes over the years.
School Announcements:
Junior High Social
Directly after the Jr. High Volleyball tournament ends on Saturday at 3p, there will be a Jr. High social in the Upper Room. Games/pool/ping pong/air hockey + pizza! This is something that the Jr. High has asked for so we hope there will be a great turnout. Students can bring friends from outside of Lumen to join in the fun if they wish. Pizza will be provided around 5p, pick up your student by 6p.
If your student comes to support the Volleyball game AND goes to the Social, Mr. Ross said they can have a dress down day on Monday, Feb. 24th.
Mardi Gras Pancake Dinner – this coming Tuesday
One of the things that makes Lumen great is the sense of community that is present among our families. Whether you’re a new family to the school or one who’s been around for a while, please come to the Student Room in the school on Tuesday, Feb. 25th from 5:30 – 8:00p to enjoy time together and a free pancake dinner (c’mon…who doesn’t love breakfast for dinner?) The night will also serve as an informal Open House for new and prospective families so make sure to reach out to a new face in the crowd if you see one!
To support the night, we’re looking for donations of Krusteaz Pancake mix, sausage links or patties, orange juice, syrup & butter. Drop off donations by Tuesday morning & get a Share Hour. Volunteer to help pre-make pancakes or serve that night and get a Share Hour!
25th Anniversary Gala
Stop by or call Anne at the front desk to purchase these items:
- Pi Day Party- Come and perfect your pie making skills with our Lumen Culinary Instructor, Carol Sturgulewski on Pi Day- 3/14/2020 @ 2 pm. Pie tins and ingredients provided, adult beverages will be served! 1 spot left- $39.25
- Ladies Poker Party- Enjoy dinner, tutorial, and a Texas Hold‘em Tournament!! 3/28/2020 @ 6pm. Prizes- 1st place $150, 2nd Place $100, 3rd Place $50 to Raven’s Nest Spa. $100 to play!!
- Barista Training Class at Caffe D’arte $25- Includes coffee mug of treats and $10 coffee card.
- Body Renew 3- Month Membership- $75
- Braces Starter Kit with Koropp Orthodontics $100- $500 certificate towards orthodontic treatment (new patients only), includes Oral B electric toothbrush & dental care items.
Tuesday March 3rd @ 7pm in the Library
Whether you volunteered in the weeks and months leading up to the event, volunteered the day or night of, or attended the event, now is the time to share our successes and what we can improve upon for next year. Earn a fundraising Share Hour for attending! PLEASE MAKE TIME TO ATTEND OUR LAST MEETING – ALL INPUT IS GREATLY APPRECIATED!
Please contact us if you have questions- 273-1530/
Danielle & Julie
Lumen Christi Gala Co-Chairs
Senior Slide Show
Only a week left! Senior parents & guardians – please send Mrs. Spillers a collection of 10-20 pictures of your student for the graduation slide show. These typically range from when they are little to their current age. Please send by February 28th to Thank you!
St. Benedicts & Other Community Events:
Raisin’ o’ the Green
This is for the St. Therese’s Camp Annual Fundraiser. Held at the Bridge Restaurant, this event sold out last year so buy your tickets early! They can be purchased online at!
St. Benedict’s Youth Group
All Lumen students are welcome, regardless of parish affiliation or faith background.
High School Youth Night: Wednesday, February 26: Lent, Game Night & Open Gym. 7p-9p, Upper Room.
Junior High Youth Night: TONIGHT! Thursday, February 20th, 6-8p in the Upper Room.
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