Lumen News – January 21, 2021
Important Upcoming Dates:
- Jan 26th: PSAT testing for 9, 10, 11th grades
- Jan 31-Feb 6: Celebrate Catholic Schools Week
- Feb 2: 5th Annual State of the School, 7pm (virtual)
- Feb 6: Mardi Gras Gala
- Feb 10-11: Parent Teacher Conferences
- Feb 17: Ash Wednesday (Lent Begins)
- Mar 5-14: Spring Break
26th Annual Mardi Gras Gala & Auction Fundraiser
Online Auction & “Live” Virtual Event – Saturday, February 6th
2 WEEKS to go AND it’s GALA TIME!!!
Alaska Airlines Raffle added this week and SOLD OUT in less than 24hrs! The winning ticket will be drawn during our “live” virtual event on February 6th.
REGISTER for bidding and PURCHASE your meal at
MEAL orders DUE NEXT WEDNESDAY (Jan. 27th)
LIKE, LOVE, SHARE our POSTS from our Lumen Christi Facebook Page-
Bring any last minute DONATION items to Anne in the Front Office.
THANK YOU!! The Gala Team- /273-1530
Principal’s Update:
After an official “snow day” which extended our MLK holiday weekend, school was back in person this week. We are blessed to have lower COVID numbers across the Municipality and we pray that this trend continues in our community.
Another great benefit of our small school is the ability to transition our classroom time to those “teachable moments” which we hope will last well past the planned lesson. Yesterday, many of our classes were able to tune into the inauguration of our 46th President and the historic swearing in ceremony of our first female Vice President. We also took time to pray for strength, courage, and conviction for all of our leaders as we peacefully transitioned responsibility in our federal government–a hallmark of our great Constitution.
As we look forward, I would like to extend a personal invite to our 5th Annual State of the School address on Tuesday, February 2nd at 7pm. Normally held in person in the gym or Upper Room, this year’s event will be done virtually (link to be sent to families next week).
What is the State of the School? Just as the President of the United States has the annual State of the Union and the Governor of Alaska has the State of the State, we have a State of the School every January. I, and other guest speakers, will discuss what we have done as a school over the past year as well as where we are going in the future and what we are doing to get there. Some areas I and others plan to discuss include:
Review of our Foundational Documents
School Board update
Development and Fundraising update
Theology Curriculum Review update
Future initiatives and programs update
I deeply appreciate the attendance we have had at our previous Principal Parent Forums. Consider the State of the School as a Principal Parent Forum PLUS, so you won’t want to miss it!
I look forward to seeing everyone online on Feb 2nd! Have a blessed weekend!
Campus Ministry:
Virtue of the Week: Perspective
Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. Col 3:1
Happy and blessed birthdays to Vincent Everard and Divine Felise!
Watching the Presidential Inauguration here at school on Wednesday, January 20th prompted some great conversation. Following is a link to an article about discussing politics with your children. It focuses on the election season but has great suggestions that apply to politics in general. While it mentions a couple of websites you might or might not find useful, I found the ideas to be really helpful.
Friday marks the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion in all 50 states. 60 million infants have lost their lives by abortion since 1973. This week we begin our 9 day “Novena for Life” here at Lumen. Please join us in prayer; the following link will bring you to the daily prayers: This website also gives wonderful ideas for prayer and service within your families..
Ash Wednesday is February 17 – only 3 week away! We will be praying the Stations of the Cross each week here at school throughout the season.
Prayer Spot
Please remember the following in your prayers this week:
President Biden and Vice President Harris that God will bestow on them wisdom, grace, and courage
For an end to abortion
For those experiencing homelessness and poverty this winter
For all medical workers and first responders
If you would like special intentions listed in Lumen News and Prayer Book of Intentions you can send them directly to Mrs. Loeffler or to the front office.
LUMENary Drive Update:
Today’s LUMENary Drive update is brought to you by the numbers 5, 6 and 0. As in….56,050.66! As mentioned last week, we’re moving into the next phase of reaching out to alumni (students and parents) and will also kick off a student letter writing campaign during Catholic Schools week. Thank you so much to everyone who continues to support the drive!
Archangel Sports:
It’s great to have the noise of students in the gym after school for Basketball and Rifle team practice. With the exception of pesky masks and lots of hand sanitizing, it’s like those good’ ol days before Covid!
As a reminder – practice schedules are as follows:
Jr. High basketball (co-ed practice): Monday & Wednesday = 1-2:30p
Jr. High/High School Riflery: Tuesday & Thursday = 1-2:30p
High School Girls Basketball: Monday = 4:30-6:30p; Tuesday = 5-7p; Wed/Thur/Fri = 3-5p
High School Boys Basketball: Mon/Tues = 2:30-4:30; Wed/Thur/Fri = 5-7p
Front Office News:
For Sale!
Wow! Our own talented Frankie Locke (11th grade – not 10th grade as reported in the last Lumen News – SORRY FRANKIE!) has created these St. Michael the Archangel stickers which are now for sale in the Office. $4 apiece, cash preferred! Perfect for water bottles, laptops, anything your student wants to decorate.
Lumen News – January 14, 2021
Important Upcoming Dates:
- Jan 18: MLK Day, No School
- Jan 26th: PSAT testing for 9, 10, 11th grades
- Jan 31-Feb 6: Celebrate Catholic Schools Week
- Feb 2: 5th Annual State of the School, 7pm (virtual)
- !!Feb 6: Mardi Gras Gala!!
- Feb 10-11: Parent Teacher Conferences
- Feb 12: Teacher Inservice, No School
- Feb 15: President’s Day, No School
- Feb 17: Ash Wednesday (Lent Begins)
- Mar 5-14: Spring Break
Principal’s Update:
With our school year off to a strong start, I ask our families to commit to assisting us in our areas of greatest need over the next couple of weeks. This includes registering for and purchasing your meal for our Feb. 6th Mardi Gras Gala AND encouraging and asking other families and friends to do the same. Take a look at the video our very own Danielle Rybicki put together on Facebook:
and read through the information below. One of the best things about a virtual gala is that unlike last year when we were sold out, we do not have to limit attendance this year – friends of Lumen Christi can join us from all over the world! This event is only successful thanks to hard work and superlative efforts of our entire community!
Another area of need is for parent help at the Archangel Attic on Fridays and Saturdays. Thank you to those who sign up to fill slots and commit to this important fundraising activity each week. Whenever Anne puts out a REMIND call seeking last minute volunteers to cover shifts, please prayerfully consider committing your time and your talent. It may seem intimidating at first, but once you get the hang of it, it is actually a wonderful and fun evening or day shift. It’s a great way for parents and students to fulfill Share Hours, and remember, ALL of the proceeds from Attic sales go to support keeping tuition affordable for all families. In other words, we ALL benefit from that little blue building on the corner of Jewel Lake and 82nd–to the tune of over $1 million over the past decade!
Have a blessed and safe weekend!
Campus Ministry:
Virtue of the Week: Forgiveness
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted and forgiving. Eph 4:32
Happy and blessed birthdays to Jack Schroeder, Molly Sillers, Liam Dupras, Carrie-Ann French, and Austen Gunderson this week!
- Fr. Tom offers Mass for students Monday and Wednesdays and Reconciliation Tuesdays and Thursdays before school beginning at 7:15 a.m in our Archangel Chapel. All students are welcome!
- We strive to teach our children and students to solve differences through peaceful means. Experiencing the unrest of the past many months of protest and violence can be unsettling to our kids and sometimes it is hard to know what to say to them. Following is an article on talking to your kids about the activities that turned volatile in DC. I am suggesting this particular article because it is not politically charged, and gives practical suggestions.
- We are social by our nature; we need fellowship, and our youth, in particular, faces anxiety and depression from the isolation of the pandemic. I have numerous resources to share – please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at if I can be of any help.
Prayer Spot:
Please remember the following in your prayers this week:
Peace and unity for our nation
Integrity in our political leaders
For those experiencing homelessness and poverty this winter
For all medical workers and first responders
If you would like special intentions listed in Lumen News and Prayer Book of Intentions you can send them directly to Mrs. Loeffler or to the front office.
LUMENary Drive Update:
Donations are holding steady after a large bump during the holiday season once again – thank you to all who have contributed so far. As a reminder, we’re hoping that all families can donate or help raise $500, tho truly any amount is appreciated. The next phase of the drive is twofold – outreach to our alumni and their parents, followed by a letter writing campaign by our students to friends and family. Think about those to whom your son or daughter might write, to share their thoughts about Lumen Christi with. Remember, we’re not asking your son or daughter to find people to underwrite their tuition, rather this is an “ask” for others to consider supporting Catholic schools, especially Lumen Christi!
Front Office News:
26th Annual Mardi Gras Gala & Auction Fundraiser
Online Auction & “Live” Virtual Event – Saturday, February 6th
3 WEEKS to go AND it’s GALA TIME!!!
REGISTER for bidding and PURCHASE your meal at
MEAL orders DUE by JANUARY 27th!
LIKE, LOVE, INVITE, SHARE our event on our Lumen Christi Facebook Page-
Bring any last minute DONATION items to the Front Office.
The Gala Team- /273-1530
For Sale!
Wow! Our own talented Frankie Locke (11th grade) has created these St. Michael the Archangel stickers which are now for sale in the Office. $4 apiece: cash, check or it can get added to your SmartTuition Account! Perfect for water bottles, laptops, anything your student wants to decorate. Thank you for sharing your talents with us Frankie!
Archangel Sports:
Don’t forget that the Junior High basketball teams will begin practicing next Wednesday, January 20th. Jr. Highers can either be picked up at 12:30 and dash out for a quick lunch, or may bring a sack lunch (no microwaves) and eat socially distanced in the gym bleachers, before practice. Please email Coach if your student is interested in playing this year.
The Rifle Team roster is filled. Practice begins next Tuesday, January 19th. Mr. Ross has entered our school in a national “new shooter” championship league which will allow us to compete against dozens of teams from across the nation VIRTUALLY! We will shoot our targets on our home range (the gym) and upload our scores to the web–our weekly competitors will do the same on their end. Trophies and prizes are awarded for the highest scoring teams and individuals. Like those on the Jr. High Basketball Teams, Rifle Team members can either dash out for a quick lunch or stay and eat in the gym before practice at 1p.
Thanks everyone. Have a happy Friday, enjoy the long weekend and we’ll see you Tuesday!
Read MoreLumen News – January 7, 2021
Important Upcoming Dates:
- Jan 18: MLK Day, No School
- Jan 26th: PSAT testing for 9, 10, 11th grades
- Jan 31-Feb 6: Celebrate Catholic Schools Week
- Feb 2: 5th Annual State of the School, 7pm
- Feb 6: Mardi Gras Gala
- Feb 10-11: Parent Teacher Conferences
- Feb 17: Ash Wednesday (Lent Begins)
- Mar 5-14: Spring Break
Principal’s Update:
What a joy and a blessing it is to once again take staff and student temperatures every morning! One of the best parts of my day, this means our school is operating in person, with smiles, laughter and learning taking place in our hallway and classrooms. I can tell the students are a bit “groggy” this first week as their biological clocks reset from Christmas break sleep-ins to spring semester early wake-ups. But I always enjoy engaging them first thing in the morning (I’m not sure all of them feel the same way)! With our enrollment at 91 students, we have, once again, the largest student body in our school’s proud 25 year history.
This month, we turn our focus to the start of our high school basketball season, celebrating Catholic Schools with the rest of the nation, and our annual Gala auction. We deeply appreciate those working hard to ensure the auction will be a success!
During this time of turmoil and strife, please continue to keep our nation in your prayers. As Pope Francis suggested simply, “I’m praying more because I feel I should.” I agree wholeheartedly–let’s all commit to praying more this year!
Campus Ministry:
Virtue of the Week: Respect
Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.Romans 12:10
Happy and blessed birthdays to 7th grader Noah and 8th grader Isabella this week!
Happy New Year! It is wonderful to be in person this first week back from Christmas break.
We strive to teach our children and students to solve differences through peaceful means. Experiencing the unrest of the past many months of protest and violence can be unsettling to our kids and sometimes it is hard to know what to say to them. Following is an article on talking to your kids about yesterday’s protest that turned volatile in DC. I am suggesting this particular article because it is not politically charged, and gives practical suggestions.
Following are resources for online service hours in the greater community
We are social by our nature; we need fellowship, and our youth, in particular, faces anxiety and depression from the isolation of the pandemic. Following are a couple of articles with information to help us parents out!
Please get outside in the fresh air and be together! Hike, sled, ski, take walks!
Prayer Spot
Please remember the following in your prayers this week:
Peace and unity for our nation
Integrity in our political leaders
For those experiencing homelessness and poverty as our winter approaches
For all medical workers and first responders
If you would like special intentions listed in Lumen News and Prayer Book of Intentions you can send them directly to Mrs. Loeffler or to the front office.
LUMENary Drive Update:
Gads – thanks to some extraordinary generosity over the Christmas break, our LUMENary Drive total jumped by nearly $17,000, reaching a grand total of $55,951. Thirty four Lumen families have contributed $15,090 of that total, with friends & family of Lumen families contributing an additional $8,065, for a total of $23,155 or 41% of the total giving. As always, we remain grateful for every donation, large and small. Together in this 25th Anniversary year of the school we will reach our goal of $100,000!
Archangel Sports:
The High School basketball season kicks off next week, January 11th. If you have a high school student who wants to play and has not yet connected with their team, let Coach Warren know ASAP and he’ll get them pointed in the right direction!
High School practice times are as follows:
Boys Girls
M & T = 2:30p – 4:30p M = 4:30p – 6:30p
W, Th, F = 5p-7p T = 5p – 7p
W, Th, F = 3p – 5p
The Junior High basketball teams will begin practicing the following week. Both teams will practice Mondays & Wednesdays from 1p-2:30p. (Note Monday the 18th is MLK day/no school, so practice will begin Wednesday the 20th.) Jr. Highers can either be picked up at 12:30 and dash out for a quick lunch, or may bring a sack lunch (no microwaves) and eat socially distanced in the gym bleachers, before practice. Please email Coach if your student is interested in playing this year.
Coached by Mr. Ross, the Rifle Team will start up on January 19th with practices on Tuesday & Thursday from 1p-2:30p. Riflery is co-ed and open to Jr. High & High School students alike. Let Ms. Gore in the Front Office know if your student is interested. Mr. Ross will be limiting participation to five students each day, so if interested, please sign up quickly!
Front Office News:
26th Annual Mardi Gras Gala & Auction Fundraiser Online Auction & “Live” Virtual Event – February 6th, 2021
4 WEEKS! That’s right, our gala/auction is 4 weeks from this Saturday!! Hopefully you received your invitation by mail and an electronic invite is attached. It is time to register for bidding and purchase your meal to enjoy during our “live” virtual event on Saturday, February 6th @ 7 pm.
We recently learned that we are not eligible for a Wine Auction Permit. This means that we can’t sell or raffle wine or alcohol of any type during our gala/auction fundraiser. Please keep this in mind when you are donating auction items or basket items. You can include a gift card for a location that sells wine/alcohol, but we can’t have the actual bottle of alcohol featured in the donation. If you have donated wine for the mystery wine pull, you will still receive share hours and donation credit and The Bridge will be giving a complimentary bottle of wine with a purchase of 2 or more meals. WIN-WIN for our dinner “guests”! The night should be filled with eating good food, drinking fine wine, and letting the good bids roll!
REGISTER for bidding and PURCHASE your meal at
LIKE, LOVE, INVITE, SHARE our event on our Lumen Christi Facebook Page-
SHARE our electronic invite attached to today’s Lumen News
DONATE: Items and/or Gift Cards from our Wish List- Now is the time!!! SignUp Link:
A few parent volunteer spots will be added to the SignUp soon for 2/6, 2/11 & 2/13
Questions? Contact the Gala Team – /273-1530
Last call for Drama
The Drama Club will start meeting in this month to begin planning for our spring production. If your high school student (sorry Junior High’ers) is interested in participating, please let me know and I’ll get them (and you) connected up with Mrs. Robertson.
Have a great rest of week and weekend!
Lumen News – December 17, 2020
Important Upcoming Dates:
- Jan 4: Semester Two Begins
- Jan 18: MLK Day, No School
- Jan 26th: PSAT testing for 9, 10, 11th grades
- Jan 31-Feb 6: Celebrate Catholic Schools Week
- Feb 2: 5th Annual State of the School, 7pm
- Feb 6: Mardi Gras Gala
- Feb 10-11: Parent Teacher Conferences
- Feb 17: Ash Wednesday (Lent Begins)
- Mar 5-14: Spring Break
Principal’s Update:
This week, our students finished up their final exams in person. This last week marks the 13th week out of 18 this semester that our students have been able to be in school face to face (behind a mask, of course!) with their teachers and fellow students. This is simply amazing and a testament to our mitigation plans, our dedicated teachers, and you, our wonderful families. We all look forward to a much needed Christmas break and plan to return refreshed, and in person, on Monday, January 4th.
At my Principal Parent Forum, a parent asked a question about staffing changes for the second semester. Fortunately, we have to only make one staffing change! I’m pleased to report to you that Mrs. Stacy Robertson will be returning to Lumen Christi part time to teach Period 5 (8th Grade A Cohort) Theology 8. For our new families, Mrs. Robertson had previously taught full time at Lumen for over a dozen years, before stepping away two years ago to begin a family. She is well versed in our Theology courses and is deeply respected by our older students, many of whom had her for Theology in junior high. Mrs. Mary Gore will continue to teach Period 6 (8th Grade B Cohort) Theology 8, just as she has done for this first semester. Reducing Mrs. Gore’s teaching load here at Lumen will allow her more time to focus on her full time job at the Archdiocese of Anchorage Juneau. We deeply appreciate the sacrifice that Mrs. Gore has made this semester to take our 8th graders through their faith journey and we look forward to having Mrs. Robertson join us back in the building.
From the entire school staff, and my family to yours, may you have a blessed Christmas and a happy New Year. See you in 2021!
Campus Ministry:
Virtue of the Week: Patience
“I waited patiently for the Lord; he inclined to me and heard my cry.” Psalm 40:1
Happy and blessed birthday to 7th graders Lilly and Bryce next week!
Blessed Christmas to each of you and our prayer is for a healthy, loving, and prosperous 2021!
We are social by our nature; we need fellowship, and our youth, in particular, faces anxiety and depression from the isolation of the pandemic. Following are a couple of articles with information to help us parents out!
Please get outside in the fresh air and be together! Hike, sled, ski, take walks!
Prayer Spot
Please remember the following in your prayers this week:
For the repose of the soul of Manuela Nsaneoyr, grandmother of Nery Vargas-Botello
For a safe and blessed Christmas break
For Marissa, aunt of 8th graders Alli and Addi Nelson
For those experiencing homelessness and poverty as our winter approaches
For all medical workers and first responders
If you would like special intentions listed in Lumen News and Prayer Book of Intentions you can send them directly to Mrs. Loeffler or to the front office.
LUMENary Drive Update:
Heartfelt donations continue to arrive and we’re thankful and humbled by each and every one. There are always needs within the school community and rest assured that donations always go to address the greatest one(s). To date, $39,121 has been raised in support of our efforts from families, friends, St. Benedict’s parishioners and the community at large. Thank you so much for your ongoing support in these extraordinary times.
Front Office News:
26th Annual Mardi Gras Gala & Auction Fundraiser
Online Auction & “Live” Virtual Event – February 6th, 2021
As we close out the year and look forward to our first ever “virtual auction” in February, we’re so thankful for the support so many of our families have shown so far, in so many ways. Merry Christmas!
Last call for Drama
The Drama Club will start meeting in January to begin planing for our spring production. If your high school student (sorry Junior High’ers) is interested in participating, please let me know and I’ll get them (and you) connected up with Mrs. Robertson.
Cookie Drive
Thank you to everyone who brought cookies for the Homeless Shelter Cookie Drive. It was a very challenging morning for me being surrounded by all those sweets but I promise I didn’t touch a single one. Fr. Tom was left alone to transport the cookies from the school to the Parish kitchen to be re-boxed for distribution, let’s hope that he stayed out of them too. If he didn’t – well….Santa is watching Fr. Tom. That’s all I have to say.
Merry, Merry Christmas!
It was a crazy first semester for sure, but together we pushed through the Covid Crazy and 2021 will surely be better and brighter for all!
Read MoreLumen News – December 10, 2020
Important Upcoming Dates:
- Dec 14: On-line school day/Finals Prep – see below
- Dec 15-17: Finals Week – see below
- Dec 18: No School/Teacher Inservice
- Dec 18-Jan 3: Christmas Vacation
- Jan 4: Semester Two Begins
- Jan 18: MLK Day, No School
- Jan 26th: PSAT testing for 9, 10, 11th grades
- Jan 31-Feb 6: Celebrate Catholic Schools Week
- Feb 2: 5th Annual State of the School, 7pm
- Feb 6: Mardi Gras Gala
- Feb 10-11: Parent Teacher Conferences
- Feb 17: Ash Wednesday (Lent Begins)
- Mar 5-14: Spring Break
Principal’s Update:
A copy of the Google Slide Deck from last night’s Parent/Principal Forum has been posted to Lumen Website and serves as this week’s Principal’s Update.
Campus Ministry:
Virtue of the Week: Selflessness
“Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor,” 1 COR 10:24
Thank you to everyone who took part in Tuesday’s Mass of the Feast of the Immaculate conception! Carson, Gustavo, Jaydin D., and Sabrina proclaimed God’s word with grace. Hayden and Maggie sounded beautiful singing, Jonah’s violin brought a special beauty, and our servers, Tommy and Liam D., were wonderful examples of reverence and faith!
Students who would like to read and/or serve for our 8a.m. Masses, please contact Mrs. Loeffler. For weeks that we are remote learning on Friday due to COVID statu, we strive to schedule siblings to read and serve together in order to keep our students safe in social “bubbles.”
It is wonderful to be back on campus, but so many areas of our lives still bring isolation. By nature we need fellowship, and our youth, in particular, face anxiety and depression from isolation. Following are a couple of articles with information to help us parents out!
I am available in the Campus Ministry office (located in the library) for student and parent support. Parents, email or call, and students, drop by any time. If I am in class, leave a note and I will get back to you within 24 hours.
Please get outside in the fresh air and be together! Hike, sled, ski, take walks!
Prayer Spot:
Please remember the following in your prayers this week:
Thanksgiving for Nicholas whose surgery went wonderfully!
For Marissa, aunt of 7th graders Alli and Addi, who is preparing for surgery
For those experiencing homelessness and poverty as our winter approaches
For all medical workers and first responders
If you would like special intentions listed in Lumen News and Prayer Book of Intentions you can send them directly to Mrs. Loeffler or to the front office.
Archangel Sports:
!! Just in from Coach Warren:
High School Basketball is scheduled to start with practice on January 11, 2021 and conclude with the 1A State Championships set for March 31 – April 3, 2021.
We will be able to play our first contest on January 22, 2021 and will play as many games as we are able to schedule during the season. The Region Tournament will take place the third or fourth week of March. We will most likely be limited in our travel options this year but there will be more to follow as the schedule is created. Thank you all for your continued support of our Lumen Christi student-athletes.
LUMENary Drive Update:
OK folks…we’re gettin’ there…
Our latest count shows that an amazing 45% of families have contributed to the Lumenary Drive to date. This is awesome! (Altho *cough cough* last year over 64% of families had dug just a little bit deeper and donated by this time.) We totally get that this is an extraordinary time however and want to remind you that participation is what’s most important, and not necessarily amount. I mean hey, we’re not going to turn down a million bucks, but truly whatever you can do is most humbly appreciated.
So what are our current numbers? Well to start with, 32 school families have contributed $14,090. Twelve more ‘friends & family’ of families have contributed an additional $3,565, for a total of $17,655. That’s 47% of the total amount -> $37,070 <- donated to date! Our. Families. Are. Awesome.
Remember it’s never too late to contribute, and there’s never an amount too small. You can pop a check in the mail or give easily on line: Thank you for participating at a level that is right for your family.
Student/Family Spotlight:
In previous Lumen News editions, you’ll remember seeing shout outs to students who have done amazing things, both on campus and off. We’re going to start extending that to families! Not just to highlight special events or feats, but also so that families can get to know families. This crazy, isolated COVID world we find ourselves living in has meant fewer opportunities for families to mingle and get to know one another.
To that end….meet our first Spotlight Family, The Ortegas!
Justin started here as a 7th grader last fall, coming to Lumen from Government Hill Elementary. This year he’s in the 8th Grade A Cohort and says that his favorite things about Lumen are the small classes because you get lots of help from teachers and that everyone is super nice. Josefina works at Providence; Adan is in construction and is currently working (sometimes at -40!) on the new F-35 fighter jet installation at Eielson Airforce Base up by Fairbanks.
Some of you know the Ortega family not because you’ve actually met, but because you enjoyed their homemade tamales 2 weeks ago. Adan was home from Fairbanks and Josefina had a few days off from work, together with their extended family they took a very long weekend to make 1200+ tamales which they sold at $20 a dozen and then donated all of the proceeds to the school. We were amazed, awed and humbled by their superhuman efforts in support of the school. Adan reported that even though it was a LOT of work, the whole family came together to make this happen, and that shared family time was truly special.
Thank you Adan, Josefina, Justin and all of your family members! We’re so happy to have you as part of our Lumen community.
Front Office News:
26th Annual Mardi Gras Gala & Auction Fundraiser
Online Auction & “Live” Virtual Event – February 6th, 2021
After we get back from Christmas Break we start a 5 WEEK countdown! Hopefully you got a chance to tune into our update during the Principal Parent Meeting last night. If you missed it, here are some highlights, and attached you will find a timeline for our upcoming event. Thank you for your support!
· LIKE, LOVE, INVITE, SHARE our event on our Lumen Christi Facebook Page-
· Donate: Items, Gift Cards, Certificates for Dessert, Wine Share hours for all donations!! SignUp Link:
· Class Projects- be creative with the times, reach out with questions, the sooner they are done the sooner we can post them on Facebook! Share hours for all the time you help coordinate!!
· Questions or Ideas? Contact the Gala Team –
Call for Pics
The Yearbook Team is still accepting photos to include in this year’s Yearbook. Stupid COVID cancellations means no spring and fall sports photos, Prom, Homecoming, Junior High Retreat and Community Service Project photos. If you’ve got pictures from the spring, summer and fall that highlight your student and/or your family that you’d like to share, please email them to Thanks!
Faith In Action (student) & Share Hours (parents) Opportunity
One of our Lumen families will be preparing cookie boxes for one of the local homeless shelters next weekend. If anyone would like to contribute to their efforts by baking cookies to include in the boxes, the family – and the shelter recipients of course – would love it!
They’re looking for a wide variety of cookies, not just chocolate chip (altho for sure those are a favorite.) All cookies should be dropped here at the school next Thursday, December 18th – the last day of school. Keep track of your hours….students will fill out their own Faith in Action form in their Advisory class, parents can simply email me with the time you’ve put in and I’ll record them for you.
Talented Student = Great Gift!
One of our talented 11th graders, Francesca Locke has designed St. Michael the Archangel stickers which are now available for purchase in the Office. The cost is $4.00 and Frankie is donating a percentage of all sales back to the school! In addition to the stickers, she’s also got an assortment of Saint prints (Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Michael, the Holy Family & St. Patrick) which range in price from $20-$35 depending on type of paper and if you wish to have them in a mat/frame. If you’re looking for great Christmas gifts and stocking stuffers, consider supporting Frankie’s endeavors!
Christmas Cards
Speaking of talented students….Congratulations to 11th grader Jamie Estes for submitting the winning entrant in our Christmas Card competition. Jamie’s design will be featured on the school’s Christmas card that will be sent out to over 800 friends, families, supporters and Lumen Alumni. If you’re a family who sends out Christmas cards and are looking for inspiration, Jamie, as well as our two runner ups – Jonah Doniere (12th grade) and Lane Crosby (8th grade) are making their artwork available to any family who would like to use these designs. (Costco is a great place to get cards done up quickly!) If you use any of these designs (email me for high res copy), please credit the artist. Thank you!
Jamie Estes, LCHS Class of 2022
Jonah Doniere, LCHS Class of 2021
Lane Crosby, LCHS Class of 2025
Many thanks to our other artists who participated – Shannon Howe, Alli & Addi Nelson & Bella Surles. We’re thankful that you were all willing to share your talents with us!
Shopping with Scrip = More Great Stocking Stuffers
One of Lumen’s fundraising opportunities is through the Scrip program, which allows you to purchase gift cards online at face value resulting in an instant rebate to the school.
Scrip recently made some major improvements to the program, including a handy app that lets you purchase and track gift cards from your phone. They are also sending the cards right to your door – no more order deadlines or school pick-ups!
This is a super easy way to support the school – just download the “RaiseRight Fundraising” App ~ looks like this:
Then buy a gift card for $20 (or whatever amount you want) from literally hundreds of retailers and the school instantly gets a percentage of each purchase.
If you’re setting up an account for the first time, Lumen’s enrollment code is 24BE76C444853. Questions on the Scrip program can be directed to Lumen parent Celine Kaplan at Thank you for supporting Lumen Christi’s fundraising efforts by purchasing gift cards through Scrip!
Finals Week – Reminder:
Monday, December 14th all students will be online. Students are encouraged to sign into their Google Classrooms and use the time to get last minute help before finals start the next day. Teachers will have open office hours that day according to the following schedule:
- Period 1: 8a-9a
- Period 2: 9a-10a
- Period 3: 10a-11a
- Period 4: 11a-12p
- Teacher Lunch Time: 12p-12:30
- Period 5: 12:30p-1:30p
- Period 6: 1:30-2:30p
The schedule for the rest of the week will be as follows:
- Tuesday: Finals for Periods 1 & 2 with early dismissal at 11:15a
- Wednesday: Finals for Periods 3 & 4 with early dismissal at 11:15a
- Thursday: Finals for Periods 5 & 6 with early dismissal 11:15a
Thanks everyone! Have a great rest of week and weekend.
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