Soccer season begins with road trip to Nenana
First Soccer trip of the season was fantastic. While we didn’t bring home the Win the kids had a great time bonding and having fun! Obligatory Pipeline photo on the way home. The weather couldn’t have been better which made the seven hour drive both ways bearable!
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Lumen Garage Sale a Success!
As if raising over $10,000 for our school wasn’t enough at the garage sale …. We were able to donate all the unsold clothes to The Anchorage Clothesline Project. This program is sponsored by the Cops for Community and provides “new to them” clothes to Anchorage youth in grades Kindergarden -12th grade!! Mr. Ross and Emily delivered all the clothes to the storage facility today to be held until the disbursement dates in August. Well done Lumen families!! Your donations will continue to help others in need.
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