Lumen News – January 30, 2020
Important Upcoming Dates:
- Feb 8th: 25th Anniversary Gala
- Feb 13th-14th: Parent Teacher Conferences (see schedule below)
- Feb 13th: Principal-Parent Forum, 7pm
- Feb 14th-16th: St. Benedict High School Winter Retreat
- Feb 25th: Mardi Gras Pancake Dinner and Open House, 5:30-8pm
- Feb 26th: Ash Wednesday (All School Mass at 9am)
- Feb 27th: Katmai Eye & Vision Center Presentation 6:30-8:30p (see below)
- Feb 29th: Fur Rendezvous Parade, 10:30am
Principal’s Update:
Can you say “Other Duties As Assigned”? Mr. Ross is currently wearing his bus driver hat and is enroute to Soldotna with the High School Basketball teams. Watch for a Principal’s update next week.
LUMENary Drive Update:
We’re happy to announce…..drum roll please……..we’re at 93% of our LUMENary Drive Goal! Through many generous donors, over $46,000 ($46,364 to be exact) has come into the school in response to our ask for support. We can’t thank all those who have given enough.
To recap on giving: we’re holding steady at 61% of families having contributed at varying levels. Remember there is no amount too small to give. If you can afford $40, perfect. If you can afford $40 million (!) that’s perfect too. While the goal remains to give or help raise $500*, just as important is having 100% family participation. Why is that important? Because it demonstrates to all other donors that our families are committed to the school and value what is offered to each and every student.
*Speaking of helping raising $500, by now you should have received in the mail five “I love my school!” Catholic Schools Week cards for your student to write to family and friends. Last year this effort brought in over $6,000 from nearly 30 new supporters to the school. Please encourage (nag?!) your kids to get those cards out. Parental help in getting that done is hugely appreciated.
Virtue of the Week:
This week’s SportsLeader Virtue is EXCELLENCE: The strength to achieve objectives with perfection and skill. The opposite of adaptable is MEDIOCRITY: The weakness of giving or accepting less than our best.
Campus Ministry:
The Campus Ministry Office is located in the school library, students and parents are always welcome to stop by!
“My daddy, Rev. A.D. King, my granddaddy, Martin Luther King, Senior – we are a family of faith, hope, and love,” Dr. Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King Jr.
We are now signing up volunteers for our Passion Encounter, Mardi Gras Dinner and Stations of the Cross. Have your student contact Mrs. Loeffler if interested.
Please send Mrs. Loeffler news and activities happening in your parishes!
Prayer Spot
Please remember the following in your prayers this week:
For the repose of the soul of Antonio Villasenor
For all victims of abuse
For the victims of natural disaster
For peace among all nations and peoples
For those without adequate food, shelter and clothing throughout the winter
For all those who are living with a mental health condition
If you would like special intentions listed in Lumen News and Prayer Book of Intentions send them directly to Mrs. Loeffler.
All are invited to join us for Mass at 7:15 a.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays Fridays in our School Chapel.
Pray for Peace. Act with Peace.
Archangel Sports Update #Lumenproud:
The Girls took on Kodiak last Friday night and won handily. On Monday, both teams took on Sand Point with the Girls fighting hard but being overtaken. The Boys were more successful with another win on our home court.
Both teams hit the road today and have lots of driving as they take on Cook Inlet Academy (Thursday), Nikolaevsk (Friday), and Ninilchik (Saturday) on their home turf. Safe travels and stay tuned next week for updates on those games.
We hosted our first Junior High Volleyball Rally last weekend with Birchwood, Anchor Lutheran, Faith Lutheran & Holy Rosary Academy. Designed to give teams maximum play time, the Rally was a success with many games and all teams being able get their early season kinks worked out!
There’s a scrimmage tonight at 6p against Grace Christian and another full Rally with all teams tomorrow/Friday from 3:30p – 8p, Lumen players should be here at 3p to warm up. Support the team and knock out some Share Hours by signing up to sell concessions tomorrow! Sign up here:
School Announcements:
Mark Your Calendars: Katmai Eye & Vision Center Presentation
Please join the fine clinicians from Katmai Eye & Vision Center at a special presentation on binocular vision and visual processing and how those are related to, and affect learning in students. This presentation will be held at our sister school, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton from 6:30 – 8:30p on Thursday, February 27th. Katmai has been to both Lumen and SEAS to provide an inservice on this topic and staff have found it so important that a coordinated effort to get information to parents was organized by SEAS. Thank you for hosting!
NEXT SATURDAY!!! 25thAnniversary Gala, February 8th
Our event is sold out! If you are not attending, please consider helping the night of the event. We are desperately in need of volunteers to oversee our high school students that night – please let us know if you can help!!
Please bring in items and WINE DONATIONS as soon as possible!!
Basket Making /Gala Work – This Saturday February 1st 11:30-2:30 pm
- BEFORE GALA – Data Entry, Creating Live Display Boards
- FRIDAY – Gala Setup and Decoration Help
- SATURDAY – Auction Set Up, Decoration Help
- DURING GALA – Student Volunteer Monitors, Run Slide Show during the Live Auction, & Clean Up
- SUNDAY- Clean Up – lots of help is needed!
To VOLUNTEER for the event- or call the Front Office. Please contact us if you have questions- 273-1530/
St. Benedicts & Other Community Events:
St. Benedict’s Youth Group
All Lumen students are welcome, regardless of parish affiliation or faith background.
High School Youth Night: Wednesday, February 5th, Testimony & Pizza Night. 7p-9p in the Upper Room.
Junior High Youth Night: TONIGHT!! Thursday, January 30th, 6-8p in the Upper Room.
Annual Winter Retreat! Who: all St. Ben’s Youth Group members. When: Friday, February 14th/3:30p – February 16th/3p. Where: St. Therese’s Camp in Wasilla. For more information, including permission slips and volunteer forms, please see Ms. Gore at the Front Desk.