We are hiring – Campus Minister
Lumen Christi Catholic High School is seeking a full-time Campus Minister for the 2022 – 2023 academic year.
Located in Anchorage, Alaska, Lumen Christi is a diocesan junior and senior high school serving grades 7-12 since 1996. Our full-time Campus Minister works daily to meet the spiritual needs of our students. He/she has the main responsibility for planning school Masses and retreats and for preparing liturgies for the seasons of Advent and Lent. The Campus Minister is a special resource person for the school’s Faith in Action program and community service projects. He/she works closely with the administration and faculty to provide spiritual guidance, crisis intervention, and a supportive presence for our students and families.
The Campus Minister should have a bachelor’s degree in Theology or a related field (at a minimum) and have experience in teaching or campus/youth ministry. The Campus Minister must be a practicing Catholic in good standing with the Church.
Qualified and interested applicants should send a cover letter and resume to Principal Brian Ross at bross@lumenchristiak.com